On November 2, Shah Rukh Khan turned 59. The superstar celebrated his birthday by meeting with his fans as usual. Hundreds of fans arrived at the Bal Gandharva Rang Mandir in Mumbai where their favourite superstar would be interacting with them. As usual, the entire event was quite memorable and SRK answered some fun, silly and interesting questions. The actor also performed for his admirers who travelled from different places to spend the evening with him.
On the ocassion of his birthday, Shah Rukh Khan got candid about his life, career, parents and family. The superstar made a big revelation about his smoking habits. The Pathaan star informed his fans that he has quit smoking. Hearing him say these words made his fans happy and they all started cheering loudly from the audience. The video went viral on social media and many other fans have reacted to the same.
One person wrote, "Life long prayers & tweets of mine finally heard. Best gift ever to us fans! @iamsrk." Another reacted, "This feels like a personal victory." One more tweet reads, "O my god. This makes me so happy ..... He should seperately be given an Oscar for this alone!! Hahaha." A fan reacted by saying, "One of the bestest news we have got as fan, SRK is seriously thinking about his health now. Take care @iamsrk."
"I am not smoking anymore guys."
- SRK at the #SRKDay event #HappyBirthdaySRK #SRK59 #King #ShahRukhKhan pic.twitter.com/b388Fbkyc4
Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) November 3, 2024
Further in this entertainment news. after meeting his fans, Shah Rukh Khan also shared a photo to thank them. The superstar wrote, "Thank you for coming over and making my evening special my love to everyone who made it for my birthday. And for those who couldn't, sending you all my love."
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shah Rukh Khan's last release was Dunki, directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The actor will be next seen in Sujoy Ghosh's King, which also stars Abhishek Bachchan, Suhana Khan and Abhay Varma.