Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna starrer Anupamaa has taken a leap of 10-15 years. The entire story of the show has changed. Shivam Khajuria and Alisha Parveen have entered as the leads along with Anu, Anuj. They play Prem and Aadhya in the TV show. Apart from them, actors like Ishita Modi, Manish Naggdev, Spreha Chatterjee and others have entered the show. We have seen that post leap, Anu is alone with the Shahs. According to her Anuj died in plane crash but she does not believe it. Aadhya ran away after being accused of killing Dimpy. Anu has been searching for her since the accusations on her were not proven.
Anu has been searching for Aadhya but the Shahs do not want her to do so. The entire Shah family and even Kinjal are against Anu. They keep taunting her despite knowing that they have a house because of her. Only her grandchildren and Bapuji have been with her.
Anu runs her Anu Ki Rasoi business and Toshu helps her. But he only knows to cheat. Anu finds Prem who becomes her big support. He takes her to Dwarka where they find Aadhya. She stays at an orphanage and has changed her name to Rahi. She didn't want to meet Anu as she believes her father is not with them because of Anu.
Aadhya aka Rahi expresses her hate and refuses to go with Anu. Anu breaks down and tries to make her understand. But later, Rahi agrees to go with Anu as she saves her orphanage which was about to shut down. On reaching the Shah house, Rahi faces humiliation from them.
They do not want her back and hence keep taunting and disrespecting her. We also saw that Ansh, Mahi and Pari have been happy to have her back. Ishani is a model and an actress. Pakhi has been pushing her to be famous and popular. Ishani was in problem and had taken some money from someone called Kunal. The show is one of the most talked about things in entertainment news.
She wants to now return the money as the man is threatening her. In the upcoming episodes of Rajan Shahi's Anupamaa, we will see that Pakhi will give silver coins to Anu for Diwali puja. Anu will ask her not to waste money. However, we will further see that the coins and money get stolen and the Shahs blame Aadhya who is not in the house. But it will be revealed that not Aadhya but Ishani is the thief who took the money to give it to Kunal.