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Armenian citizens must be deeply convinced of law justice - premier 

ArmInfo.Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan attended the solemn event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the formation of the Investigative Committee, which took place in the National academic theatre of opera and ballet.

The Prime Minister congratulated those present on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the formation of the Investigative Committee, thanked everyone for the work done during this period. In his speech, Nikol Pashinyan referred to the wide range reforms carried out by the Government and the National Assembly in the field, emphasized the work carried out in the direction of increasing the capacities of investigative bodies.

According to the Prime Minister, if it sounds correct that it is an investment in the development of the Investigative Committee, however, from his own point of view and the Government's point of view, it is an investment in establishing justice in the Republic of Armenia.

"Yes, I specifically use the wording 'establish justice' for two key reasons, because I believe that justice is one of the primary demands of the people's nonviolent velvet revolution that brought me and our political team to power, and secondly, unfortunately, we cannot say that the citizens of the Republic of Armenia have a sense of justice in the Republic of Armenia," said the Head of the Government. Emphasizing once again that the reforms implemented in the sector are aimed at establishing justice in Armenia, the Prime Minister noted. "Having held the position of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia for more than six years, I say that the agenda of establishing justice is as urgent in the Republic of Armenia today as it was in 2018 or 2019. But this does not mean that we have not done anything to establish justice." Nikol Pashinyan added that in the context of all these reforms, first of all, steps are being taken to accomplish justice institutions.

Noting that the first stage of reforms was completed last year and the political work at this stage is over, Nikol Pashinyan noted that now the stage has come when the Government and the parliamentary majority, as representatives of the people, should get the results of fairness and justice, legality, in the form of a decrease in the level of crime. "Otherwise, we will not have an answer to the people of why we made such decisions due to social, security and many other problems, why we made the primary decisions regarding the judicial system."

Once again congratulating on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the formation of the Investigative Committee and sending words of appreciation for the results and achievements made during this period, the Prime Minister once again emphasized that the necessary conditions have been provided for the judiciary, legal system, and law enforcement system, so that it is fully expected that there will be a strong legal system in the Republic of Armenia, there will be justice and fairness.

"Basically, we have created all the prerequisites and preconditions for institutional accomplishment. And now I say not only the Government, not only the parliamentary majority, but also I say on behalf of the people of the Republic of Armenia, we don't have much time to instill the feeling among the citizens of the Republic of Armenia that there is justice in the Republic of Armenia, there is legality in the Republic of Armenia, everyone is equal before the law in the Republic of Armenia, there are no privileged people in the Republic of Armenia, irrespective of being the representative of the past or present leadership, and in the Republic of Armenia, law, legality, legal order, justice and fairness are not just words mentioned in speeches, but they are reality.

And therefore, once again thanking you for the work done, in a way I want to consider the 10th anniversary of the Investigative Committee as zero point. zero point not in the sense that the work done is nullified or thrown away, but zero point in the sense that at every subsequent point from that zero point, the feeling and belief of the citizens of the Republic of Armenia in the presence of justice, fairness, law and legitimacy in the Republic of Armenia should deepen more and more", said the Head of the Government.

Summarizing his speech, the Prime Minister once again congratulated the Investigative Committee on the occasion of its 10th anniversary, wished success on the way to making justice, fairness, law and legitimacy an unquestionable, indisputable and irreversible reality in the Republic of Armenia.

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Investigative Committee, Prime Minister Pashinyan awarded a group of representatives of the Committee with the commemorative medal of the Prime Minister, a letter of appreciation and valuable gifts.

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