Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were blessed with a baby girl on September 8, 2024. The couple announced their pregnancy earlier this year and made their fans quite excited. Throughout her pregnancy journey, DP has made some amazing appearances. Her pregnancy glow was quite beautiful and her fans would often leave comments like 'mother is mothering' on her social media account.
If you are a Deepika Padukone fan, you must be aware that the actress is quite serious about her fitness. The actress doesn't shy away from treating her body with the cravings and in one of the posts in the past, she even called out the diet culture. However, along with eating right and whatever her body needed, the Piku actress also indulged in Yoga to remain fit throughout her pregnancy journey.
We would like to inform our entertainment news readers at Deepika's fitness trailer Anshuka has shared pictures with her on Instagram and in captioned revealed how committed and positive the Piku star was throughout her journey. The post reads, "A beautiful 9-months of prenatal-yoga with @deepikapadukone and this journey with you has been nothing short of beautiful. Guiding you through every breath, stretch, and asana as you prepared for this special chapter has been an incredible honor."
Anushka also praised the Jawan actress for trusting her in the process in which she truly shone. The actress' trainer is quite proud of her and further mentioned, "DP Today, my heart is full as I celebrate you and your beautiful healthy, happy baby."
Meanwhile, today, Deepika Padukone returned home with her baby girl. The actress was snapped on her way to her residence in the car with husband Ranveer Singh. The couple was all smiling as in the car.
On the work front, Deepika Padukone was last seen in Nag Ashwin's Kalki 2898 AD this year. It also starred Amitabh Bachchan, Prabhas, and Kamal Haasan. DP and Ranveer Singh will be next seen in Rohit Shetty's Singham Again. The cop action drama also stars Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Akshay Kumar, Arjun Kapoor, and Tiger Shroff. It will hit theatres on November 1, 2024.