Sudhanshu Pandey, best known for his portrayal of Vanraj Shah in the popular TV show Anupamaa, has officially announced his decision to leave the show. The actor revealed this to his fans during an Instagram Live session, where he shared that his journey with Anupamaa will end after Raksha Bandhan. While Sudhanshu did not disclose the exact reason for his exit, he hinted at exploring new opportunities in his career. In a recent exclusive interview with Bollywood Life, Sudhanshu reflected on his time with the show, sharing how he continuously strived to add new dimensions to his character to keep it engaging for viewers. Alongside his acting career, Sudhanshu is reviving the 2002 hit music group 'Band of Boys', with their first song 'Gori' already receiving a great response from fans. He also mentioned that the second song is currently being recorded and will be released soon. To know more about his journey and future projects, watch the full interview on Bollywood Life, and stay tuned for more updates on your favorite stars.