Actress Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have joyfully welcomed their first child, a baby girl, beginning a new and exciting phase in their lives. Deepika, who recently received acclaim for her performance in 'Kalki 2898 AD'. gave birth on September 8. This date has sparked conversations among fans due to its connection with her ex, Ranbir Kapoor, whose lucky number is also 8 a detail often seen on his jerseys and in public appearances.On Sunday, the couple arrived at the hospital with their family, though they stayed out of the paparazzi's view inside their curtained car. This happy event comes shortly after their visit to Mumbai's Siddhivinayak Temple, where Deepika, wearing a traditional green saree, was spotted with her baby bump. The couple had initially shared their pregnancy news back in February with a sweet post hinting at the baby's September arrival. Fans are now eagerly awaiting the first photo of their newborn daughter. For more updates on Deepika and Ranveer's new journey as parents, be sure to watch the full video and stay connected with Bollywood Life!