The Tamil film industry is undergoing a major upheaval as incidents of sexual assault continue to increase, sparking widespread concern and anger. A new wave of the #MeToo movement is sweeping through the industry, empowering survivors to come forward and seek justice. The Hema Committee has uncovered the disturbing extent of exploitation, revealing at least 17 different forms of abuse faced by women across 30 categories within the industry. These include sexual demands made of women trying to enter the industry, along with harassment and various forms of assault. The report also reveals that similar exploitation is prevalent in the Malayalam film industry, dominated by a small group of powerful producers, directors, and male actors. Industry figures like actress Shakeela, filmmaker Dhamayanti, and actress Kutti Padmini have further highlighted the deep-rooted gender inequality and casteism affecting both the Tamil and Malayalam film and television sectors. With new sexual assault allegations emerging against actor Jayasurya, the industry is at a critical juncture, necessitating strict policies and a commitment to ensuring a safer environment for all.