Ram Charan and Kiara Advani starrer Game Changer has been in the news ever since it was announced. The movie is directed by S Shankar and Dil Raju and Sirish have produced the movie under the banners of Sri Venkateswara Creations and Zee Studios. The film is the most awaited one and has been the most talked about right now. Everyone has been waiting to see the pairing of Ram and Kiara again. The first song from the movie, Jaragandi was released in March and it became a big hit. The song has been in the news and people loved the chemistry between them. Game Changer is about an honest IAS officer and his fight against a corrupt political system through impartial and fair elections.
It went on floors in October 2021 and the film wrapped up in July this year. The makers of the film also announced that the film will release in Christmas this year but a few reports stated that the release of Game Changer might be pushed to 2025 due to Ram reshooting some portions. This was a big story in entertainment news.
Now, the producer of the film, Dil Raju spoke at the ongoing Moscow International Film Week. He clarified that the shoot is complete and they are releasing the film during Christmas this year. He believes that the film is going to do well and he is definitely expecting this film to change the images of Shankar sir and Ram Charan.
He said that the film touches upon an aspect of Indian politics and explores a social theme. He hopes the film will strike a chord with the audience and will be a big success. Dil Raju further revealed that it is a proper commercial film and a typical hero-villain film.
He added, "Shankar sir has done this kind of a film earlier but after Robot, he changed his style of storytelling. But he's going back to what he was known for with Game Changer after a long time." He also said that the movie has five songs that will be a visual treat for the audience.