Recently, Uorfi Javed and Ananya Panday were spotted together, making headlines for their unique fashion choices. Uorfi Javed, known for her bold and unconventional style, once again caught everyone's attention by wearing a dress featuring a lizard design. Uorfi, who is no stranger to making bold fashion statements, chose this daring outfit that quickly became the talk of the town. Her outfit, which incorporated lizard motifs, perfectly showcased her fearless approach to fashion, making it clear that she is not afraid to push boundaries. Ananya Panday, on the other hand, opted for a chic look, complementing Uorfi's boldness with her own understated elegance. Ananya, known for her simple yet stylish fashion sense, chose an outfit that balanced the eccentricity of Uorfi's look, creating an interesting contrast between the two stars. The duo, who were snapped together, seemed to enjoy each other's company, sharing smiles and laughs as they posed for the paparazzi. Watch the video to know more.