The popular TV show 'Anupamaa' continues to captivate audiences with its ongoing twists and drama. The show's lead actress, Rupali Ganguly, along with co-stars Gaurav Khanna and Sudhanshu Pandey, frequently makes headlines on social media. In the upcoming episodes, viewers will see Anupamaa and Anuj presenting their idea at Asha Bhavan, which is well-received by everyone. They then start preparing for it together.Anupamaa decides to name her food stall after her daughter, Choti Anu, which makes Anuj very happy. During the puja, Vanraj mocks her for not going to America, but Anupamaa gives a sharp reply to him and Pakhi. Meanwhile, Anupamaa and Anuj, while reminiscing about their daughter Aadhya, get the idea for the food stall from Meenu's friends. Nandita saves Titu from an injury, but Dimpy questions her character, with Pakhi adding fuel to the fire. Bapuji scolds everyone and even threatens to slap Pakhi.To find out what new drama will unfold in the upcoming episodes, watch the full video and stay tuned to Bollywood Life for more updates.