Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin began in 2020. The show became a huge hit in just a few weeks. It has been amongst the top five TV shows on the TRP charts ever since it started. Neil Bhatt, Ayesha Singh and Aishwarya Sharma played the lead roles in the show. Since the start, veteran actress Rekha has been associated with the show. She has been involved in the promotions and we saw her appearing for the promos of the show. She also gave us all the promo for the second generation story which starred Shakti Arora, Bhavika Sharm and Sumit Singh. Now, the show recently took another big leap after which only Bhavika has been retained from the old cast.
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Shakti has left and fans are not quite happy with it. They wanted to see more of Ishaan and Savi's love story. They wanted a few more scenes as Shakti and Bhavika won hearts with their performances. Hitesh Bharadwaj has entered Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin as the male lead now and we saw a new love story happening.
At first, fans did not accept this change but now are loving Hitesh and Bhavika together. They have loved Rajat and Savi's story now. Rajat is a single father and his daughter Saisha aka Sai is very close to Savi. For Sai, Savi is more important that her father as well. Rajat's ex-wife, Aashka had left him for a rich man but now she is back and has decided to take away Savi from him.
But, now, Savi and Rajat are getting married for Savi. The wedding will happen soon and as per reports in India Forums, the wedding will be a grand one as Bollywood celebrities might attend this wedding. And the latest reports say that Rekha will be joining in to celebrate this union of Rajat and Savi.
Well, if this is true, it is going to be the biggest wedding on television.