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«Буквально в постели»: в Тегеране убит один из лидеров ХАМАС


Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the Palestinian political party Hamas, arrived in the capital of Iran, Tehran, to attend the inauguration of the new president, Ebrahim Raisi. The ceremony, which took place on August 5th, was a significant event for both Iran and the Middle East region as a whole.

Haniyeh’s visit to Iran was seen as a symbolic gesture of support for the new Iranian president, who is known for his hardline stance against the West. Raisi’s victory in the presidential election was met with mixed reactions from the international community, with some expressing concerns over his human rights record. However, for Haniyeh and other leaders of the Palestinian resistance, Raisi’s election was seen as a positive development.

The relationship between Iran and Hamas has a long history, dating back to the 1980s when the Palestinian group was formed. Iran has been a strong supporter of Hamas, providing financial and military aid to the group in its fight against Israel. In recent years, the relationship between the two has grown even stronger, with Iran openly expressing its support for Hamas and its resistance against Israel.

Haniyeh’s presence at Raisi’s inauguration was a clear message of solidarity and unity between Iran and the Palestinian cause. In his speech, Haniyeh praised Raisi’s victory and expressed his gratitude for Iran’s continuous support for the Palestinian people. He also called for stronger ties between Iran and Palestine, stating that “the Palestinian resistance movement and the Islamic Republic of Iran are two sides of the same coin.”

The new Iranian president, Raisi, also emphasized the importance of the Palestinian cause in his inauguration speech. He stated that “the Palestinian people have been suffering for too long, and it is our duty to support them in their struggle for freedom and justice.” Raisi’s words were met with applause from the audience, including Haniyeh, who was seen nodding in agreement.

Haniyeh’s visit to Iran also included meetings with other high-ranking Iranian officials, including the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. During their meeting, Khamenei reaffirmed Iran’s support for the Palestinian cause and its commitment to standing against Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. He also praised Hamas for its resilience and determination in the face of Israeli aggression.

The presence of Haniyeh and other Palestinian leaders at Raisi’s inauguration was a significant diplomatic move, showcasing the strong ties between Iran and Palestine. It also sent a message to the international community that Iran and its allies will continue to stand against any attempts to undermine the Palestinian cause.

Haniyeh’s visit to Iran also sparked some controversy, with some criticizing his decision to attend the inauguration of a president with a controversial human rights record. However, for Haniyeh and other Palestinian leaders, the bigger picture was the opportunity to strengthen ties with a key ally in the region and show their support for the new Iranian government.

In conclusion, Ismail Haniyeh’s visit to Tehran for the inauguration of President Ebrahim Raisi was a significant event that highlighted the strong relationship between Iran and Palestine. It also sent a message of unity and solidarity in the face of ongoing challenges in the Middle East. With Raisi’s presidency, it is expected that the ties between Iran and Palestine will continue to grow, providing hope for a better future for the Palestinian people.

The post «Буквально в постели»: в Тегеране убит один из лидеров ХАМАС appeared first on a007aa.

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