For the first time in this part of the world, Robots Inc. (Russia) presents the Bal Robotov (Ball of Robots) project directly initiated by Ameriabank and featuring the world's most famous robots in Yerevan.
As the press-service of Amriabank informed ArmInfo, for the first time ever Yerevan will host this fascinating exhibition from December 09 until January 10, 2016 (closed days: December 31 and January 01). The exhibition will be held in Yerevan Mall. Special discount rates are offered for children: AMD 2200 on weekdays and AMD 3300 on weekends. Adult tickets will cost AMD 2900 and AMD 3900 respectively. Special rates for group school tours are also available.
The exhibition will feature over 20 interactive robots from various countries and the best of Armenian robotics. Other entertainments include the dancing robot show, quadcopter zone, robolab, Lego brainstorming/robot building sessions, robot programming and robomarket. Among the robots will be the celebrated RoboThespian - a life-sized humanoid robot and one of the world's most cutting-edge and emotional robots. It can interact with humans, imitate their movements, sing, dance, laugh, cry and even recite Shakespeare due to which it has already been featured in quite a few modern stage plays. RoboThespian even performed onstage at the CeBit opening ceremony in 2014 in front of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron.
Another guest in Yerevan is therapeutic robot Paro from Japan designed to administer the documented benefits of animal therapy to patients in hospitals and nursing homes; also Baxter from the US performing various industrial operations, robowaiter Yosha from Ukraine, RoboFootball from South Korea and many other interesting robots with diverse functionalities.
Giving high importance to the role of this event in social life in Armenia, Ameriabank has involved its partners in the organization process. Major partners of the Ball of Robots are Yerevan Mall and Yerevan Production, while "INGO ARMENIA" ICJSC provides insurance for robots and "Panarmenian Media Group" CJSC informational support. Partners are Aray Electronics Chain, Technolife, Russkoye Radio and Radio Van, Matit, Creato and The Twenty Two design companies, Tumo Center for Creative Technologies, UITE, Ayb School, UNITY Production, GAT Cutting, and and Astghik Publishing House
To recall, Ameriabank CJSC is a universal bank offering corporate, investment and retail banking services in a comprehensive package of banking solutions. The sole shareholder of the Bank is Ameria Group CY Ltd.