It's uncanny how an American gunman shooting up a Planned Parenthood while raving about "baby parts" has no lessons for anyone anywhere, but an American gunman shooting up an office party in San Bernardino means America shouldn't be taking in any war refugees.
Mike Huckabee said that he will only support the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the U.S. if they are placed in Martha’s Vineyard, the Hamptons and Beverly Hills.Otherwise, Huckabee said, he would “put an absolute moratorium” on Syrian refugees since “we just don’t know, we’re getting people shot up in San Bernardino, California.” “I’m not blaming refugees for that,” he quickly added.
“I get the impression that President Obama is more interested in protecting the reputation of Islam than he is in protecting Americans,” he said.
I get the impression that former supposed preacher Mike Huckabee wouldn't know the meaning of "Christian" if Jesus Christ Himself personally rolled up the collected books of the New Testament and crammed them all forcibly into Mike Huckabee's left ear, but that is neither here nor there. You have to marvel at the efficiency of Mike Huckabee both not blaming war refugees, and demanding America refuse shelter to those same war refugees because the rest of us keep murdering each other.
We can't keep lunatics from buying the guns they use to murder the rest of us with, after all, because other lunatics demand they be allowed to murder the rest of us if they at some point feel we need murdering. We can't make serious attempts to repair America's broken mental health system because it would cost Money, and we'd rather live with all the murdered people than spend Money. We can't even suggest that maybe the ambitious politicians riling our heavily armed American lunatics into a frothing rage over debunked conspiracy theories tone it down a half a notch, not without those politicians getting the collective vapors at how terribly rude we're being.
We can't do anything, apparently, except declare that the country has too many brown people these days and maybe keeping brown people out would somehow solve the rest of the problems. Not that Mike Huckabee is "blaming" them, mind you. He's just fresh out of other ideas.