Tiger 3 actress Katrina Kaif celebrates her birthday today. The diva is one of the most prominent names of the Indian film industry. She is among the A-list actresses who enjoys a massive fan following. In 2021, Katrina Kaif accepted the 'taken' tag as she settled in matrimony along with Vicky Kaushal. They kept their relationship hidden for a long time and in 2021 they took the plunge. Vicky and Katrina are now happily married and are setting some serious relationship goals for all. On Katrina Kaif's birthday, Vicky Kaushal made a special post for his lady love.
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Taking to his Instagram account, Vicky Kaushal shared some unseen pictures with Katrina Kaif. These are from their vacations, wedding and more. One of the pictures also show them conducting a puja on a property. The first picture even though blurry shows how happy Katrina and Vicky are together. In the caption, Vicky Kaushal wrote that his favourite part of life is to make memories with Katrina Kaif. And he wrote, "Happy birthday my love." Now, isn't he the most romantic one? Vicky Kaushal is a total green flag when it comes to perfect husbands. On this post, a lot of fans are commenting that Katrina and Vicky should do a film together. Even when they appeared together at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding ceremonies, fans went all aww over their chemistry and stated that they should be in a movie together. Their chemistry is truly something.
While Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal arrived together at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding bash. Soon the rumours suggested that Katrina Kaif is pregnant. But at a recent media interaction, while promoting his upcoming film Bad Newz, Vicky Kaushal cleared the air around Katrina's pregnancy rumours. He stated that there is no Good News as of yet and whenever there is, they would be happy to share with the masses. He also revealed about Katrina's birthday plans and mentioned that they would be spending quality time together.
Vicky Kaushal's film Bad Newz is going to release on July 19. It also stars Triptii Dimri and Ammy Virk.