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Why Man Utd's anti-LVG crowd will get louder next week

COMMENT: Locker room leaks. Job rumours. A swipe from a long-time rival. It's been a tough old week for Louis van Gaal.

This can't be a coincidence. Yesterday, Massimiliano Allegri, the Juventus coach, was forced to deny contact with Manchester United intermediaries about succeeding Van Gaal at season's end. Today, also in Italy, it's claimed Carlo Ancelotti is now being sounded out about an Old Trafford move.

Twenty-four hours earlier, locker room sources were splashed over the backpages with complaints about Van Gaal's "tedious" pre-match routine and suggestions that morale amongst the players was at rock bottom. "There's no banter", it was claimed. And to top it all off, his old nemesis Ronald Koeman has been openly mocking Van Gaal's "three-year project claims".

"You're here to win," declared the Southampton manager, which is perhaps where all this news stems from.

The general opinion that Van Gaal is under pressure because of United's playing style is wide of the mark. If United are winning, no matter how it's achieved, Ed Woodward, the club's vice-chairman, and the board will be satisfied. Where concern is being raised is over the very real prospect of United being bundled out of the Champions League next week.

This wasn't supposed to happen. PSV Eindhoven? C'mon. They'd lost their two best players in the summer (Georgino Wijnaldum and Memphis Depay) - and one of them to United. And it was their first appearance in the competition for five seasons. It was to be a 'feeling out' expedition. Yet, home and away they've more than held their own against United.

And Wolfsburg? Even Kevin de Bruyne, the Manchester City flyer, admitted he left VfL due to their lack of summer additions. Yet, these two clubs stand ready this week to dump United into the Europa League.

This is where the rubber meets the road for Van Gaal. The complaints about his training methods, his playing style, the constant sniping from the ex-players' brigade... none of it matters a jot so long as his team is winning and progressing. But lose in Germany next week and everything changes.

United haven't committed £115 million to finish third best to two clubs operating on a shoe-string in comparison. The club can wear the cost of Champions League failure. But the idea that PSV and VfL's squads - on paper - are superior is ridiculous and the buck must stop with the manager.

Lose on Tuesday and those critics not only get louder, but more credible. The possession game is bad enough when the team is winning, but dumped into the Europa League playing that way? There will be a backlash. Questions over his handling of Anthony Martial will be raised. Is Memphis Depay being managed properly? And what of Victor Valdes and the charity dinner disgrace? Win and no-one bothers about such issues. But lose - and lose to teams United should be beating - and the spotlight will burn on Van Gaal.

At the moment, the team is meandering. Martial's form upon arrival papered over the cracks. But with the Frenchman now suffering the same lethargy as his teammates, there's nothing for United fans to hang their hat on. The best they can make do with is Chris Smalling - at centre-half - which really is symbolic of the Van Gaal reign. Last season it was David de Gea. Today, it's 'Mike' Smalling.

Van Gaal's job isn't under threat. Even if it all collapses at Wolfsburg, he's safe. But as we enter the second-half of his 'three-year project', the subject of legacy will be raised. And, outwith a reinvigoration of the youth policy - which is more down to need than design - it's difficult to nominate - bar De Gea and Smalling - any big, lasting positives Van Gaal's supporters can point to.

The one thing the Dutchman could hold onto is reviving United as not only a Champions League club, but a contender. However, that could all disappear next week.

It's flat at the moment. And you fancy, just as it happened earlier this season, that locker room leak was intended as a jolt for Van Gaal. The last time the players' complaints made it to the press, Van Gaal met with his senior leaders and the football improved.

With Wolfsburg looming on Tuesday, the source of this week's nudge, perhaps, is hoping for the same result.


It's night and day. Like two different players. The Anthony Martial of September - full of energy and exuberance. Compared to the flat, listless Martial of today.

Paul Scholes took aim at the Frenchman last week, questioning his attitude - "he doesn't look bothered".

But Scholesy's wrong on this one. The difference today is that Martial didn't do his preseason with United. And no, we're not talking about match fitness.

When he arrived from AS Monaco, Martial had not been subject to Louis van Gaal's strict, paint-by-numbers playing system. He just played on instinct - and the fans loved it.

Three months on. Three months of LVG's tactics. And the off-the-cuff stuff, the individuality has been eliminated.

The tail off of Martial's form has nothing to do with the weight of his €80 million price-tag. Nor the workload being demanded of him. It's Van Gaal's system.

Please, below, tell us an attacking player over the course of Van Gaal's 18 months in charge who has thrived under the Dutchman...

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