Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding videos and pictures are ruling the social media. There are tons of visuals from wedding, shubh aashirwad and reception ceremonies. Nita Ambani, Mukesh Ambani, Akash Ambani, Shloka Mehta, Isha Ambani, Anand Piramal were on their toes attending to the guests and even enjoying the functions. But amidst all of this, an old video of Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta from their engagement ceremony has resurfaced on the web.
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Nita Ambani and Mukesh Ambani's elder son Akash Ambani got engaged to Shloka Mehta in June 2018. It was a big and beautiful ceremony with many celebrities marking their attendance. But in the old video that has resurfaced we see Akash Ambani pulling Shloka Mehta away from mom Nita Ambani. It is during the photo session. Nita Ambani, Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta pose together for the paps. As they make their way back to the venue, the photographers demand for a couple pic of Akash and Shloka. While Nita Ambani is holding Shloka's hand, Akash pulls her away only to fulfil the demand of the paps. Shloka looked drop-dead gorgeous in a shimmery lehenga while Akash Ambani looked dashing in a sherwani.
Talking about Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding, some of the biggest names from the industry attended the functions. Shah Rukh Khan, Ranveer Singh, Salman Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Hardik Pandya, Rajinikanth, Ananya Panday, Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor, and many more even danced during Anant Ambani's baarat. International celebs like Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, John Cena, Rema and many more also marked their attendance. Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave his blessings to newlyweds as he attended the Shubh Aashirwad ceremony. At the reception, Nita Ambani and others thanked everyone for taking part in the joyous occasion of their family. After 4-day long wedding festivities, Anant and Radhika will now begin their journey as a married couple. We wish them all the luck, success and happiness.