Island vertebrates have evolved a number of morphological, physiological, and life history characteristics that set them apart from their mainland relatives. However, to date, the evolution of metabolism and its impact on the vulnerability to extinction of insular vertebrates remains poorly understood. This study used metabolic data from 2813 species of tetrapod vertebrates, including 695 ectothermic and 2118 endothermic species, to reveal that island mammals and birds evolved convergent metabolic strategies toward a slow pace of life. Insularity was associated with shifts toward slower metabolic rates and greater generation lengths in endotherms, while insularity just drove the evolution of longer generation lengths in ectotherms. Notably, a slow pace of life has exacerbated the extinction of insular endemic species in the face of anthropogenic threats. These findings have important implications for understanding physiological adaptations associated with the island syndrome and formulating conservation strategies across taxonomic groups with different metabolic modes.
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