Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar (FAA) has welcomed a decision by the MEPA Environment and Planning Review Tribunal to refuse Victoria Local Council’s appeal to uproot the trees lining Pjazza Independenza (it-Tokk).
"At a time when the EU has just reported that some 220 people a year die prematurely due to air pollution in Malta, it is ever more important to plant trees and preserve existing mature trees in polluted urban areas such as Victoria’s t-Tokk’ area," the environment NGO said
Contrary to what was claimed by the Local Council, a leading archaeologist confirmed to MEPA that uprooting these trees would do far more damage to any archaeology beneath the square than leaving them in place.
Biologist Alfred Baldacchino stated: “The decision by the Appeals board against the uprooting of the it-Tokk Trees in Gozo Independence Square is indeed good news. This shows that eNGOs and individuals, with determination can be part of a decision. This is good news for everyone concerned, that is: society, the environment, and the commercial interest. These will all benefit. One hopes that this is a harbinger of things to come.
Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar urges the Victoria Local Council to do...