Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan has marked his Bollywood debut. He is seen in leading role in a film called Maharaj that is now streaming on Netflix. The movie narrates the story of Karsandas Mulji who was a journalist and a social reformer. However, before the release of the film, it ran into a legal trouble. A petition was filed demanding a stay order on Maharaj by the Vaishnav Community to stop the film from releasing. It was alleged that the film could hurt the sentiments of the Vaishnav Community. However, the stay order has now been lifted and Maharaj is now streaming on Netflix. Junaid Khan's performance has been much loved already.
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After the stay order was lifted, Maharaj is now been available to watch for all on OTT platform Netflix. The movie has skipped the theatrical release and has been made available on the digital platform. Production house YRF issued a statement on social media expressing gratitude to the Indian judiciary for lifting the stay order on Junaid Khan's Maharaj. In the official statement, YRF has stated that Karsandas was a hero and devout Vaishnav who stood for righteousness and protected the community. The film Maharaj is a tribute to him for his 'indomitable fighting spirit and his courage to be on the right side of history.'
The statement further read, "Yash Raj Films has a 50-year-old legacy of championing India, its stories, its people, culture & heritage. We have never produced a film that has tarnished the reputation of our country or our countrymen. Hope you watch Maharaj and join us in saluting Karsandas. Thank You."
As per a report in Times of India, Gujarat High Court judge watched the movie and gave it a clean cheat for release. Maharaj is helmed by Siddharth Malhotra and also stars actors like Jaideep Ahlawat and Sharvari Wagh in pivotal roles. On social media, Junaid Khan's Maharaj is receiving praises and how. Junaid's debut performance has won hearts and fans are quite thrilled with his acting chops.
What a brilliant performance as a journalist #JunaidKhan' in his debut film #Maharaj! Loved every bit of it! pic.twitter.com/1ClDb7Thva
Parag Chhapekar (@paragchhapekar) June 21, 2024
Thoughts after watching #Maharaj-
First of all I want to say it loud that @yrf & Director @sidpmalhotra deserve a pat on their back for choosing to make a film on a topic like this in such a sensitive country like ours! It was so nauseating to know that such things once existed! pic.twitter.com/a15pQYB4gO
Debi (@WhoDebi) June 21, 2024
A debut like this and an actor like him, Junaid Khan is the commendable in his craft. The actors shines in #Maharaj with his impressive and powerpacked performance!#JunaidKhan pic.twitter.com/ctqtpXmBmY
Srabanti Chakrabarti (@srabantic) June 21, 2024
Just finished #Maharaj, watched it only for junaid, man can act for sure, he was decent in the movie and has a voice similar to Aamir.
Also the ending monologue was lit, way to go #JunaidKhan, would like to see him in intense roles. ?
Syed (@aamirsspk) June 21, 2024
Have you watched Maharaj yet?