In a surprising turn of events, Bollywood's evergreen star Anil Kapoor has been announced as the new host for the upcoming season of Bigg Boss OTT 3, stepping into the formidable shoes left by Salman Khan. At a recent press conference, Kapoor expressed his readiness to dive into the world of controversies that come with the territory of the popular reality show. When asked about the trolling that will follow too, he said, "Aane do trolling, yaar."
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"I'm not feeling the pressure; I'm actually excited," Kapoor stated, his eyes reflecting the thrill of a new challenge. Known for his 'good boy' roles in classic hits like 'Laadla' and 'Beta', Kapoor is no stranger to the Indian audience's love and admiration. However, he is now ready to explore uncharted territories. "I've played the good guy for most of my career, but now I'm open to challenges and trying different genres and roles," he shared with a confident smile.
Addressing the inevitable comparisons with Salman Khan, Kapoor brought his own unique perspective to the table. "Salman is irreplaceable, but so am I," he quipped, showcasing his trademark blend of humility and self-assuredness. It's this very quality that has fans eagerly anticipating how he will make the role his own.
As Bigg Boss OTT Season 3 prepares to launch, viewers are keen to see how Anil Kapoor navigates the high-stakes drama and entertainment that the show promises. With his readiness to embrace controversy and a career built on versatility, Kapoor's stint as host is poised to be nothing short of captivating.
Stay tuned for more updates as we follow Anil Kapoor's exciting journey on Bigg Boss OTT 3.