Ramayan actor Sunil Lahri who played the role of Lakshman in Ramanand Sagar's serial has recently disapproved of Sai Pallavi as Goddess Sita in Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana. In a recent interview, Sunil said that Sai does not have the features of the Goddess. He also described Sita as a woman with a beautiful and perfect face. Sunil said that he does not see perfection in Sai's face.
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Sunil Lahri even said that Ranbir Kapoor playing the role of Lord Ram in the film will not be accepted. He said that he is still determining if the audience would accept Ranbir as Lord Ram as the actor was last seen in Animal film.
During an interview with Hindustan Times, Sunil said that he does not know how Sai Pallavi is an actress and said that he has never seen any of her work. He even added that he is honestly not very convinced as in his mind, Sita has a very beautiful and perfect-looking face and Sai's face is not that perfect.
Sunil even said that he did not know how the makers would make Sai look so attractive that Raavan would fall for her. Sunil, the 63-year-old actor said that from the poster, he liked Ranbir's look as Lord Ram. He even said that he does not know how much people will accept him as Ram. He even spoke about the leaked photos and said that he feels makers should rope in someone who has no image or baggage. He also said that Ranbit is a great actor with a big legacy of his family.
Sunil also said that Ranbir Kapoor has to come out of his earlier performances after doing something like Animal as it is difficult for people to see him in such an opposite role as Lord Ram.
As per reports, Sai Pallavi has charged Rs 6 crore for her portrayal of Goddess Sita and has doubled her reported fees of Rs 2.5 crore to Rs 3 crore. Ramayana film will star KGF star Yash as Raavan. Director Nitesh Tiwari started shooting for Ramayana.