Bollywood actor Kamal Sadanah was last seen in the movie Pippa that starred Ishaan Khatter and Mrunal Thakur. In a long interview with Siddharth Kannan, Kamal Sadanah spoke about a lot of topics including the horrific tragedy that destroyed his family. One of the interesting topics of conversations was the sudden and shocking demise of Divya Bharti. In 1993, she died falling off the terrace of husband Sajid Nadiadwala's home in what was said to be a drunken state. Kamal Sadanah and Divya made for a good-looking pair in the romantic drama, Rang. She was also his good friend.
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In the same interview he was asked about the death of Divya Bharti. There are a number of conspiracy theories around her demise including ones where she was thought to be suicidal or maybe pushed off the window. Kamal Sadanah said that the news of her death was a huge jolt for him. He told Kannan, "It (Divya's death news) was very tough. It was really sad. She was one of the most talented actresses and great fun to work with."
Kamal Sadanah said he believed that she had maybe a couple of drinks and was fooling around. Kamal Sadanah said he thought she was not too careful and hence slipped. He said he truly believed it was an accident. They were shooting for a movie and she looked fine. He said, "There were no problems with her. She had great films which she had completed. She had her whole lineup of films she was being signed for." He said that she liked to mimic Sridevi, and he would tell her to not do it in public.
Divya Bharti's father Om Prakash Bharti also said he believed it was an accident. He said suicide or murder was out of the question. He admitted that his daughter did drink a bit but denied that she was totally intoxicated. He said Divya was not at all depressed. He has said, "It was an accident. She sat on the ledge, lost her balance and fell. Sadly, all flats had grills except hers. Cars would always be parked below but that night there was not a single one. She fell directly on the ground." In 2021, he passed away. Sajid Nadiadwala is extremely close to her brother Kunal.