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Искусственный интеллект принесет в сферу образования огромную угрозу

Людмила Колобанова из Реутова стала самой старшей участницей забега в Москве

В Мытищах сотрудники Росгвардии задержали мужчин, подозреваемых в краже и хулиганстве на территории магазина

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Moscow: All territorial disputes and mutual claims between Baku,  Yerevan should be resolved exclusively through political and  diplomatic means

ArmInfo. All territorial disputes and mutual claims between Baku and Yerevan should be  resolved exclusively by political and diplomatic means, within the  framework of a bilateral commission on border delimitation.

This was stated on April 3 during a weekly briefing by official representative  of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, when asked to  comment on some media reports about the accumulation of Armenian  Armed Forces troops on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.  As ArmInfo  previously wrote, the Azerbaijani side began an active campaign to  spread disinformation about the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani  border.

Since March 30, the adversary has been spreading various types of  information about the alleged accumulation of forces by the Armenian  side on the border with Azerbaijan. And at night, the enemy side  accused Armenia of violating the ceasefire, and fired at the  positions of the Armenian army in two areas.  The Russian diplomat  appealed to the mass media to refrain from spreading provocative  information and to act in a constructive environment.

"We are ready, for our part, to provide all possible assistance to  the delimitation process. And we believe that the time has long come  to establish the rhythmic work of the Russia-Armenia-Azerbaijan  trilateral mechanisms. We call on our partners to show political  will, to resume contacts in formats that have proven their  effectiveness and within which, with Russia's assistance, an  effective search for solutions to the most difficult issues was  launched, including border delimitation, unblocking regional  communications, and the development of a peace treaty," she said.

According to Zakharova, unlike the EU and the United States, 'which  are engaged in extracting concessions from one side and making  threats against the other', Moscow has always advocated a  comprehensive, compromise settlement of existing disagreements in the  interests of establishing sustainable peace and prosperity in the  South Caucasus.

Zakharova added that Moscow's proposals still remain on the  negotiating table.

When asked to comment on the meeting of the Prime Minister of  Armenia, the US Secretary of State and the President of the European  Commission to be held in Brussels on April 5, the Russian diplomat  stated that she had already commented on this issue in detail.

"I will only add that, unfortunately, Yerevan persistently ignores  the anti-Russian orientation of such developments,  their absolute  focus on the majority of countries in the region, their inconsistency  with the stated goals of achieving stability in the South Caucasus.  And most importantly, the lack of examples of how those who are now  promise anything and everything to Yerevan somewhere, have never  implemented it in the past", she said.  .  Regarding the plans of the  United States and NATO in the region, Zakharova noted that Moscow  relies on real facts in this matter, and in fact, since April 1,  Pentagon instructors are in Yerevan. "They came to share the methods  of American military propaganda. On March 19, NATO Secretary General  Jens Stoltenberg visited Armenia, during which he circulated  anti-Russian narratives. Last September, exercises with the  participation of the United States took place in Armenia. All of the  abovementioned are anti-Russian measures and they are aimed at to  destabilize the situation within the region," she noted, adding that  Armenia has experience in resolving the regional situation with its  internal forces and the resources of neighboring countries. The  diplomat again pointed to Armenia's positive experience on this  issue, noting that as soon as 'advisers and assistants from the EU  and NATO begin to intervene, problems immediately begin, which are  attributed to those who refuse to interact with those with whom they  previously refused'.  Referring to the statements of Armenian Foreign  Minister Ararat Mirzoyan that Moscow and Yerevan now speak different  languages, the Russian diplomat noted with regret that 'people like  Mirzoyan are driving Armenia into a dead end'.

She also touched upon the statement of the head of the Armenian  Foreign Ministry about the possibility of severing diplomatic  relations between Yerevan and Moscow. "Ararat Samvelovich, touching  on this issue, said that he cannot predict the future. It's strange,  usually politicians in power don't just predict the future, they  create it. It's sad to hear that from Mirzoyan, especially  considering the anniversary of relations between our countries,"   said a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.  She also  accused Yerevan of "sacrificing relations with its allies for the  sake of ephemeral bonuses that the EU and the US lured it with." "But  the question is that they are not betraying us, they are betraying  their people," the Russian diplomat concluded.

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