Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone are one of the most adored pairs of Bollywood. They have a sizzling onscreen chemistry right from Bachna Ae Haseeno days. Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone also dated for a few years before he allegedly drifted towards Katrina Kaif. However, the split did not impact their work, and the two are still cordial. Fans will remember how Deepika Padukone's comment on Ranbir Kapoor's cute boxers collection went viral all over. The actress was trolled for that statement. Kangana Ranaut's sister Rangoli Chandel had also called out Deepika Padukone in retaliation after she made a comment on Mental Hai Kya?
A video of them during the promotions of Tamasha is doing the rounds. In the clip, Ranbir Kapoor says that Deepika is a cheap girl. In the past few months, some old interviews of Ranbir Kapoor have come on Reddit. He was slammed for making fun of Anushka Sharma's anxiety in one of them. Netizens did not like it when he commented on Alia Bhatt calling her 'Dal Chawal', and also said that she has gained weight when she was pregnant with Raha Kapoor.
Now that the old clip has come up, people are trolling Ranbir Kapoor once again. A person commented, "I can't say it in front of the camera," so Ranbir said all kinds of shit while he was dating Katrina, yet the boxer comment from Deepika is remembered as the most scandalous thing ever. Saying this as a Kat fan. He's literally flirting with her ten times more than she ever does." Others said that Ranbir Kapoor has been quite problematic in some of his old interviews. Another netizen said, "Didn't know he was this cunning, was surprised when he did something similar with Katrina." They are saying that Deepika Padukone looked very uncomfortable when he said the same but the actress controlled herself, and managed the situation.