Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan are the golden couple in Bollywood, along with being the superstar he is, Shah Rukh Khan is adored to be the family that he is. And it's not now that he is lauded for being the ideal husband and father, but since the beginning, he has shown his utmost love and respect for his beloved wife Gauri Khan. In this old video, you can see Shah Rukh Khan revealing the secret of his blissful marriage with his wife
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Shah Rukh Khan opened his heart out like never before on Farah Khan's chat show, he said, " Genuinely I feel what Gauri says I do, actually it's a two-way street, given and take in a relationship is very important, the time when I came in the film industry, it was very common to link married actors with every other heroine, Gauri never asked me about if I meeting this heroine or that heroine, our relevance very secure and clean like that. So it is very important for me to do something that Gauri likes, whenever I come home at 3 am also, I freshen up and meet my wife and kids, and never say, 'Oh I am so tired', I am tired because of my work and both them",
Indeed where do you get men like him? Shah Rukh Khan is the epitome example of how to be an ideal and perfect partner in life, ladies either it's someone like SRK or nothing.
On professional front, Shah Rukh Khan is all set for his next venture Tiger Vs Pathaan along with Salman Khan.