Aaradhya Bachchan made people sit up with her recent appearance at the pre-wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. She donned an silver white lehenga for the occasion. For a change, she ditched her bangs and went for straight hair. She looked wonderful. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Aaradhya Bachchan's pics from the event went viral all over. While everyone was gushing over how Aaradhya seems to be as tall as her dad Abhishek Bachchan, others said that she looked like a mini version of Aishwarya. At the same time, some people made comments on how she was hot and desirable.
This has angered many netizens. People feel those sexualising a girl as young as Aaradhya Bachchan should be booked under the POCSO Act. She is just 12 years old. In the past, Abhishek Bachchan moved Court against fake videos of Aaradhya Bachchan that claimed that she was suffering from some fatal illness. The Delhi Court upheld the petition of Abhishek Bachchan. Many feel that the star needs to take action now as well.
She is just a child. This post and all those who have replied in an absurd way need to be booked under POCSO Act.
This man @redflaghun needs to be arrested @Cyberdost @DelhiPolice @SrBachchan @juniorbachchan #TeamSAATH? https://t.co/oyyrBhUZNa
Team Saath Official? (@TeamSaath) March 5, 2024
Fir kya . Agle din apne mohalle me Aishwarya aayi .sorry uski beti aayi ? pic.twitter.com/9f2trRh71Z
murphyyyy (@redflaghun) March 4, 2024
Bahar ke log has more care and more sensitive about how this society thinks about a child than you.
She is your Child and you can't protect her dignity and also dare to call out misogynists.
Who and what's stopping you?#AaradhyaBachchan https://t.co/GcySA2eSEk
SN?? (@sn78623) March 5, 2024
??? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ????
?? ??? ??? #AaradhyaBachchan ?????? ?? ????? ??????#AbhishekKumar https://t.co/s9a6uLSpv9
??? ??? ? ???? ? (@XMUNISHKUMAR) March 5, 2024
It's so funny to see some people mentality especially women's in this case majority of them saying Aaradhya got surgeries that's y she look different have u guys not heard abt puberty!! Stupid ass??? #AaradhyaBachchan #AishwaryaRaiBachchan
tum ho kon (@Sus91758993) March 5, 2024
Sadly, many are discussing how Aaradhya Bachchan could have gone under the knife. The whole debate is rather sickening. We have to see if the Bachchans decide to act on this.