Nayanthara recently dropped a cryptic post on her Instagram stories and even unfollowed her hubby Vignesh Shivan that started her divorce rumours. The fans of the Jawan actress hoped nothing serious, and guess what they were right. Seems like Nayanthara has resolved her fights with hubby Vignesh Shivan if any, the actress has started following him on Instagram and they are very much together.
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Vignesh Shivan SHUTS down divorce rumours with wife Nayanthara after she unfollows him on Instagram
Vignesh Shivan too dropped a video on his Instagram account that shows the couple are very much in love. Vignesh and Nayanthara are seen enjoying the music where she has wrapped herself in his arms and this only shows the couple are inseparable.
Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan got married in June 2022 and within a few months, they will be celebrating their second anniversary. In two years of their marriage, the couple even announced becoming parents of twin kids and grabbed a lot of headlines.
Nayanthara's motherhood posts
Nayanthara is deeply and madly in love with her kids Uyir and Ulag, and she keeps on posting adorable pictures along with them that show she is thoroughly enjoying her motherhood.
Nayanthara's Valentine's Day post for Vignesh Shivan
Every relationship goes through a rough patch and the celebs are no different. Before dropping a cryptic post, Nayanthara had shared a long-loved full note for her hubby Vignesh on Valentine's Day. The couple is very much in love and their relationship is intact.