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History of Armenian state insignificant part of history of Armenians  - Vazgen Manukyan

ArmInfo.The path chosen by the RA government is doomed to failure, because it contradicts both the national aspirations of the Armenian people, formed over thousands of years, and today's global development trends, reads an article by the first Prime Minister of post-Soviet Armenia, leader of the National Democratic Union party Vazgen Manukyan.

According to him, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the entire  domestic industry collapsed. "Many of us thought that, despite the  wrong policies that led to the destruction of industry, it would be  possible to build new factories with new technologies, move forward,  and again become a modern, developed industrial country. However, the  past years, and we have become convinced of this, have shown that the  people who were supposed to build these factories - scientists,  engineers, production organizers, highly qualified workers - were no  longer in the country," the politician emphasized.

He noted that through the combined efforts of the entire people, at  the cost of thousands of victims, it was possible to win brilliant  victories, liberating, among other things, the Armenian Artsakh,  inhabited by indigenous Armenians. "Now we have suffered an unjust  defeat, and because of these authorities, our country and people  continue to remain in a poor state. Many of us think that what we  have lost can be returned. Yes, it is possible, but only if Among our  people there are people who are proud of the history of our country,  who are determined to preserve our identity, security and ensure our  national development.  Such people still exist, but the "reforms" of  the education system that this government is carrying out are aimed  at ensuring that such people do not there was, but the new generation  did not have national pride and national goals. Some time will pass,  and such people may no longer exist," the ex-prime minister  emphasized.

He noted that there is ample evidence that the education system plays  an important role in nation building.  "Why is the formulation  "History of the Armenians" and not "History of Armenia" important?  First of all, because the history of the Armenian state is a small  part of the history of the Armenian people. For the French, the  histories of their state and people almost coincide, but we haven't  had one for hundreds of years state, but we had a people who, in the  absence of a state, especially in recent centuries, played an  important role in the development of world civilization.In the  history of world science, culture, technology, business, religion,  military affairs, we have brilliant pages about the activities of the  Armenians, scattered all over the world. Teaching these episodes  conveys to our new generation a charge of self-confidence, pride and  example, without which any creative opportunity in the development of  the state is impossible. The path along which these authorities want  to lead us will ultimately lead to a territory called the state of  Armenia (if it exists, of course), where no Armenians even live. The  problem and ideas adopted by the current government are a trend of  the 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century, which is already  outdated in the world. Today in the world, including in Europe and  especially in our region, a new trend is rapidly spreading, in which  national identity, the military power of states and competition are  of great importance.  The so-called "youth" government of Armenia is  hopelessly behind the development trends of the modern world. The  same "young people" who rule the country today are provincials of the  90s of Western civilization," the politician believes.

The Armenian governments' proposal to rename the textbook "History of  the Armenians" "History of Armenia" is being actively discussed in  the country.   

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