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Russian, Armenian, Azerbaijani FMs could meet at CIS Summit in  Bishkek - Moscow 

ArmInfo. Moscow is considering the possibility of a meeting between the foreign ministers of the Russian Federation, Armenia and Azerbaijan on October 12 in Bishkek on the sidelines of the CIS summit. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mikhail Galuzin stated this in an interview with RBC.

"The dialogue between Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia on the entire range of issues of resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has never been interrupted. We hope that such contacts will continue. We are considering the possibility of holding such discussions at the level of foreign ministers on October 12 this year in Bishkek on the sidelines of the summit events CIS," he noted.

According to him, the Azerbaijani side has already given agreement in principle. "And we expect that the Armenian side will also approach this issue responsibly and agree to participate in such negotiations," Galuzin added.

Regarding Western mediation, the Russian diplomat expressed the conviction that it is up to Armenia and Azerbaijan to decide in what composition it is more convenient for them to conduct discussions. "As we see, the European Union is not so much concerned with a settlement as with pushing Russia out of the region. And I see this as part of a common Western course to achieve the unattainable - what they are trying to call the international isolation of Russia. This is one of the manifestations of this course.

Russia has been making efforts to resolve this long-standing conflict for many, many years. In the fall of 2020, we were key mediators in developing tripartite agreements. All tracks that were outlined in these agreements were taken up by the European Union and the United States. But in such a way as if Russia has nothing to do with them. Discussions followed at the so-called Brussels platform, where the Armenian leadership radically changed its position and recognized Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan, without remembering the rights and safety of the Karabakh Armenians. And the European Union, instead of helping the settlement, and not using our developments in its own opportunistic interests, accuses Russia of all mortal sins in the context of the events of September 19," Galuzin said.

At the same time, he added that the West declares its readiness to provide a platform, but at the same time completely ignores the wishes of other participants. "That is, the European Union considers it possible for itself to dictate to others who can participate and who cannot. This is an absolutely mentoring, colonial tactic that ignores the legitimate rights and interests of other participants in international communication.  And these, as you know, are equal sovereign states, because the principle of sovereign equality is enshrined in the UN Charter," said the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation.

To clarify whether the European Union, the United States and Russia could still work together on the situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, taking into account the meeting in Istanbul of representatives of the three countries, Galuzin said that they could, but on the understanding that the European Union and the United States would not intercept Russian developments and pass them off as their own, but will fit their actions into the modalities of the Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement that have already been worked out between the parties through the mediation of Russia.

"It is from this angle that we approach contacts with the European Union and the United States on this issue.

I don't agree with you that we are talking about some kind of competition. There are modalities for a peaceful settlement developed between Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia in 2020 and in the next two years.  And if the European Union and the United States want to help implement them, then, of course, we will not oppose this. But if we are talking about taking advantage of Russian developments and acting without Russia, it is clear that such an approach cannot suit us," the Russian diplomat emphasized.

Regarding the feasibility of signing a peace agreement between Yerevan and Baku by the end of 2023, Galuzin drew attention to the fact that diplomacy and mathematics do not always go together, so I would not talk now about any percentages, shares and the like.

"The preparation and signing of a peace treaty is one of the important parts of the "road map" for resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, which was developed by the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. We have always been and remain ready to help Azerbaijan and Armenia in developing this document on a mutually acceptable basis basis, so that it truly is a document that guarantees a sustainable, balanced, long-term peaceful settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

We proceed from the need to clearly establish in the peace treaty the topic of ensuring reliable rights and security for the Armenian population of Karabakh and presented the parties with certain ideas in this regard. We hope that they will be in demand, just as our point of view that we need mechanisms to support the further implementation of the signed peace treaty will be in demand. Such a mechanism that would not harm the sovereignty and independence of Armenia and Azerbaijan," he said. 

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