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Конфликт в ресторане Москвы на Малой Бронной закончился стрельбой

В Москве обсудили развитие транспортной системы Омской области

Воробьев — о победе над «Спартаком»: «Довольно сложная игра. ЦСКА пришлось много обороняться и много работать»

В Иркутской области проходит 30-ый фестиваль «Сияние России»

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Bundestag member calls on EU to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan  and review gas contracts with it amid situation around Artsakh

ArmInfo.Chairman of Bundestag EU Affairs Committee Anton Hofreiter called on the European Union to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan and review contracts with Baku on gas supplies amid the latest processes around Nagorno-Karabakh.  

As Table Media reports: "Following the violent seizure of the Nagorno-Karabakh region by Azerbaijan, the chairman of the European Affairs Committee, Anton Hofreiter, is now calling for consequences:  "The contracts with Azerbaijan on gas supplies must be reviewed immediately," the Green politician told Table.Media. In addition, he said, the EU should adopt sanctions against Azerbaijan fast."

On September 19, Azerbaijan, under the pretext of an "anti-terrorist operation," undertook another act of aggression against Artsakh. As a result of enemy aggression, hundreds of Artsakh residents were injured, more than 200 deaths were reported, including civilians, and more than 10,000 were evacuated. Already on September 20, Artsakh fell. Azerbaijan began the forcible subjugation of the NKR. In addition, on September 20, late in the evening it became known that Azerbaijan had deliberately shot at the car of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, killing 5 people, including the deputy commander of the RMK. On September 20, another RMK vehicle was shot by Azerbaijanis, one peacekeeper was killed, and another was wounded.

On September 19, Azerbaijan, under the pretext of an "anti-terrorist operation," undertook another act of aggression against Artsakh. As a result of enemy aggression, hundreds of Artsakh residents were injured, more than 200 deaths were reported, including civilians, and more than 10,000 were evacuated.

On September 20, Artsakh fell. Azerbaijan began the forcible subjugation of the NKR.  On September 20, late in the evening it became known that Azerbaijan had deliberately shot at the car of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, killing 5 people, including the deputy commander of the RPC. Today, there were reports that one soldier was killed and another was wounded as a result of shooting at another RPC vehicle.  

On September 21, a meeting between representatives of Baku and Stepanakert was held in Yevlakh.  Azerbaijan demanded the disarmament of the Artsakh Defense Army, the surrender of all military personnel and the abolition of all government bodies.

On September 22, the process of abolishing the Artsakh Defense Army began. There are reports that the enemy side exterminated the population of the villages captured on September 19-20. During search operations from September 21 to 24, the NKR Ministry of Internal Affairs discovered the bodies of 105 Artsakh residents, including brutally murdered children and elderly people.

On October 1, the last car with Artsakh people left the homeland. Thus, over the past week, 100.514 people were forcibly expelled from their land.

On September 25 it also became known that Artsakh was connected to the energy system of Azerbaijan.  Protests demanding the resignation of the RA Prime Minister continue in Yerevan and regions.  We add that as a result of the explosion that took place in the fuel depot near Stepanakert on September 25, according to preliminary data, more than 290 people were injured, 170 more died, there are still missing people.   

The EU stated that it would allocate an additional 5 million euros to assist internally displaced people from Artsakh.  Earlier, USAID Administrator Samantha Power, who is on a visit to Armenia, said that "the United States will provide Armenia with support in the amount of $11.5 million for the humanitarian needs of people displaced from Nagorno- Karabakh." In addition, as ArmInfo previously reported with reference to the Swedish Ambassador to Armenia, Sweden, through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), allocated 15 million Swedish kronor to the International Committee of the Red Cross to meet the humanitarian needs of the population of Nagorno- Karabakh.  France promised to allocate another 7 million euros.  Germany announced an increase in subsidies to the ICRC from 2 to 5 million euros, to direct them to humanitarian needs of the Armenians of Nagorno- Karabakh.  Another 1 million euros will be provided by Spain, $2.5 million by Canada, and 1.3 million pounds sterling by the UK. A number of other countries have also announced their intention to send humanitarian aid to the expelled people of Artsakh.

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Сперцян: «Чемпионат России очень сильный. Со всеми надо показывать максимум»