In a shocking incident, Punjabi and Bollywood actor Aman Dhaliwal got stabbed when he was working out in a gym in the US. A video is doing the rounds on social media and it is very shocking. The actor has got multiple injuries on his torso. It seems he is now in a hospital and is slowly recovering from the attack. The incident happened around 9.20 at the Planet Fitness gym located at 3685 Grand Oaks in the US.
In the video we can see the person holding Aman Dhaliwal at knifepoint. He asks people for some water. He says, "Please respect us. Give me water, I need water". The man who is clearly unstable is repeatedly asking for water. He shouts that people want to take advantage of him. Aman Dhaliwal when he got a chance tried to knock the accused down. Some other people in the gym also assist him. The whole incident is very scary to watch.
Aman Dhaliwal is a known name in the Punjabi film industry. He has done projects like Ik Kudi Punjab Di, Ajj De Ranjhe and others. His big project in Bollywood was Jodhaa Akbar which had Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. He was also in the movie, Big Brother. In the past, he has done TV shows like Ishq Ka Rang Safed, Porus and Vighnaharta Ganesh. From a model he built his career in the entertainment industry.
Aman Dhaliwal is from Mansa, Punjab. He is the son of Mithu Singh Kahneke and Gurtej Kaur Dhaliwal.