The research project "Caregiving and Literature as Remedium" (CaReLit, NTNU) is searching for contributors to a special issue in the Danish journal Tidsskrift for forskning i sygdom og samfund titled "Literary explorations of health and kinship".
We invite contributions that address one or more of the following questions:
- How are next of kin and informal caregivers narrated, portrayed and/or thematized in literature, including children’s and young adult literature and graphic literature?
- What are the existential, ethical, moral, or political frameworks in which these figures are set, and how do they relate to our cultural conceptions of health and kinship?
- What kind of knowledge of health, care, and kinship is literature particularly suitable to convey?
- How can literary works and the insights they provide on health and kinship become meaningful or even useful in a health perspective or within healthcare services?
We seek interdisciplinary perspectives and invite contributions related to fields such as narrative medicine, health/medical humanities, graphic medicine, care ethics philosophy, cultural studies, comparative literature and more.
Deadline for abstracts (250 words): June 1.
The guest editors will organize a seminar/workshop in Paris in October 2022 on the theme of health and kinship in literature, to which contributors will be invited. It will be possible to contribute to the issue without participating in the workshop.
The full CfP is available here: https://tidsskrift.dk/sygdomogsamfund/announcement/view/1073