Indian filmmakers are putting India back on the map winning the coveted Oscars awards. RRR song Naatu won Best Original song and Guneet Monga's The Elephant Whisperers won Best Documentary Short Subject at the 95th Academy Awards. The Elephant Whisperers made a maiden victory for Indian emerging as the first Indian film to win an Oscar in this category. Also, it has made history as the first Indian film by an Indian production to win an Oscar. Guneet Monga won big against other nominees including Haul Out, How Do You Measure A Year, The Martha Mitchell Effect, and Stranger At The Gate.
Sharing her excitement Guneet Monga immediately took to Twitter and wrote, "We just win the first-ever Oscar for an Indian Production! Two women did this! I am still shivering." Later she expressed her excitement calling it an incredibly powerful and historical moment. She is proud of this film, this moment as two women from India, stood on that global stage making this historic win. She is also proud of her amazing team at Sikhya Entertainment, that an independent production house from India has made history to be the first ever Indian film by an Indian production to win an Oscar.
She further said, "My heart is racing with all the joy, love, excitement in the moment." Expressing her gratitude Monga is grateful to director Kartiki for her wonderful visionary. She also thanked Netflix for giving them the biggest stage in the world and supporting and believing in them all the way. "Today I can say, the future for Indian cinema is audacious, the future is here, and not to forget the future is truly female!" said Oscar winner Guneet Monga.
Well, this is not the first time that Guneet Monga has won an Oscar. The last time she brought the prestigious award to India was in 2019 when her documentary 'Period. End of Sentence' bagged the Oscar in the Documentary Short Subject.