SS Rajamouli's RRR made India proud by bagging the most coveted Oscars award. The electrifying track Naatu Naatu won the Best Original song title at the 95th Academy Awards. The 95th Academy Awards ceremony saw a controversy created by the host, Jimmy Kimmel, as he called RRR a Bollywood movie. Indians are celebrating the success of the movie but a section of Telugu fans who are joyous about the victory is also upset with the host.
Jimmy Kimmel, who hosted the 95th Academy awards, called RRR a Bollywood film during his monologue. Jimmy was seen driven away by the dancers who performed Naatu Naatu on stage as he announced the first award category. He later called the SS Rajamouli, Ram Charan, and Jr. NTR film a 'Bollywood movie'. The statement made by the host attracted a lot of reactions and Telugu cinema fans are furious for tagging RRR as a Bollywood film when it is a Telugu-language Indian movie.
A fan shared the video on Twitter and a user reacting to Jimmy's comment wrote, "Not even 15 minutes in and Jimmy Kimmel called RRR Bollywood ugh." Another user said, "Jimmy Kimmel saying RRR is a Bollywood film is my last straw cause how is someone so lousy god I cannot take this." A Twitter user wrote, "I don't need to hear Jimmy Kimmel incorrectly call RRR a Bollywood movie." Another tweet read, "Why are they stating as a Bollywood Film when #RRR is actually a Tollywood film? There is a lack of representation in the Western world, unfortunately. Shame on #TheAcademy!"
RRR is South Indian cinema, a Telagu film, Tollywood. Not Bollywood, as some Oscars ppl might be saying!
Preeti Chhibber (@runwithskizzers) March 12, 2023
Dear #Oscars95 Team, #RRR is not a #Bollywood movie. Please note. ?
Shiva'Marvel'Nandy (@shivanandysky) March 13, 2023
@jimmykimmel Correction - RRR is a Indian film / Telugu / Tollywood made film and not a Bollywood film. #Oscar2023 #RRRMoive #rrr
Ordinary Human (@we_are_humanns) March 13, 2023
India has different film industries for different languages...bollywood means hindi language film industry...since hindi is the most spoken language in india bollywood is more popular..rrr is a telugu language film from south part of india
gulabi gutthu (@united_TFI_fan) March 13, 2023
The comment made by the host Jimmy made Telugu cinema fans upset and they questioned how the Academy is such careless to know the roots of a film. Director Rajamouli has been seen promoting the film as a Telugu-language Indian film in interviews everywhere. Many RRR fans and netizens expressed their displeasure at the mislabeling of the film. Jimmy was criticized by Twitterati for not doing proper research before making such a comment.
RRR is a period drama Telugu film helmed by ace director SS Rajamouli. The magnum opus stars Ram Charan and Jr. NTR in lead roles. Bollywood stars Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn were seen playing a cameo role. The movie became a blockbuster and received raises worldwide.