Ekta Kapoor's top show Kundali Bhagya is the spin off to Sriti Jha and Shabir Ahluwalia's hit show Kumkum Bhagya. Kundali Bhagya has created a place in the heart and minds of fans since 2017, ever since it got premiered on Zee TV. The stellar cast of the show has Shraddha Arya and Shakti Arora in lead roles. The show has been the longest-running on TV and has had a lot of twists, turns, ups and downs in the course of time.
According to a report published by ETimes, the show is set to have a 20-year-generation gap and Shakti Arora will be exiting the show. According to the latest update, Manasvi Vashisht of Imli fame along with Zeeshan Khan has been approached for the show. The makers are yet to finalise, a source quoted to the publication. However, it is interesting to note that Shraddha will be staying in the show and will be playing the role of a mom to an entirely new generation. Shakti will be quitting the show as he does not want to look aged on the screen.
BTS snaps from the sets of Kundali Bhagya:
For the unversed, Manasvi had last done Imlie and the actor had replaced Gashmeer Mahajani. He later decided to quit the show. Talking about Zeeshan he was initially a part of Kumkum Bhagya. He was also a part of Bigg Boss OTT and Lock Upp which he quit. Zeeshan was also known to make a lot of controversies. Lately, he was also taken to the hospital as he was down with food poisoning and had to also undergo surgery. Reportedly he is fine as of now. Reports floating online also suggest that Sana Sayyad will be playing the new female lead post the leap in the show takes place. Reportedly, Bigg Boss 16 participant Sumbul Touqeer Khan will also be a part of the show.