SS Rajamouli's film RRR is creating waves across the globe. After the stupendous success at the box office worldwide, the film starring Ram Charan, Jr NTR, Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn is making noise at international award functions. RRR has already pocketed many prestigious awards and now all the eyes are on the Oscars. The song Naatu Naatu has bagged a nomination for Oscars 2023 for Best Original Song Category. As the event is inching close, Ram Charan is in the US making many appearances including talk shows. At a recent one, he got compared to Brad Pitt.
Ram Charan appeared on the talk show on KLTA Entertainment and the host introduced him as 'Brad Pitt of India'. The host asked him about being referred to as 'Brad Pitt of India' and how does he like the designation? Cheekily Ram Charan replied that he likes 'Brad Pitt for sure' and everyone started laughing. The video is going viral on social media with netizens lauding his answer.
The Brad Pitt of India ???@AlwaysRamCharan in Conversation With @ktlaENT...!!#ManOfMassesBdayMonth
Trends RamCharan (@TweetRamCharan) March 1, 2023
Ram Charan even shared a picture giving fan a full glimpse of his uber-cool look. He appeared dashing and how in white and brown outfit.
Soaking in the LA vibe!
Thank you @ktlaENT for having me. @RRRMovie back in theatres all across the United States starting March 3, catch us on the big screens once again
Ram Charan (@AlwaysRamCharan) March 1, 2023
The ace actor has been making many appearances on behalf of team RRR. He became the first Telugu actor to appear of popular TV show Good Morning America. Now everyone has fingers crossed. Oscars 2023 will take place on 13th March 2023.