And here comes a major surprise for all the Kartik Aaryan fans. The handsome hunk just released the first teaser of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 and even shared the release date of the film. The Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety actor hit gold with Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. He replaced Akshay Kumar and the film became a massive hit. Now, it is time for the third instalment of the hit franchise. As Kartik Aaryan shared the first teaser he also revealed that the film will hit the screens on Diwali 2024.
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 will bring a major twist to the story. In the teaser, we see Kartik Aaryan in his Rooh Baba avatar. He says that he does not only talk to spirits but he even gets possessed by 'aatmas'. Going by the teaser, one can say that the third instalment of the franchise will be as entertaining as the first two. And that laugh is so spooky.
#RoohBaba Returns Diwali 2024 ??#BhoolBhulaiyaa3 ???
Kartik Aaryan (@TheAaryanKartik) March 1, 2023
My First BEST ACTOR in a Leading Role ??
Mehnat ka phal meetha hota hai #RoohBaba will always be special??
Thank u @ZeeCineAwards n the team of #BhoolBhulaiyaa2
Thank u to my Audiences for Showering me with ur love
I promise to keep u entertained#ZeeCineAwards2023 #Gratitude
Kartik Aaryan (@TheAaryanKartik) February 27, 2023
Are you excited for Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2? Tweet and let us know.