Co-host of “The Big Money Show” on Fox Business Brian Brenberg joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his thoughts on the Biden administration’s student loan forgiveness plan.
“It’s hard to pay your student loans, no question. No one’s arguing with that. But there is something about paying them off. I mean, I had student debt as a result of going to college. My wife did. By the grace of God, we paid it off. But it felt kind of good and it felt like, okay, so we made the investment. Now we’re supposed to get the payoff. Here’s the problem. People don’t treat school like an investment. It’s supposed to be treated like an investment. You’re putting something down now because it’s going to pay in the future. And when you treat it like an entitlement, then the first thing you think is I shouldn’t have to pay for it. And the second thing you think is, well, I’ll just do whatever I want. I’m not going to get a return on this. It was something that I was entitled to. And so I’m not going to treat it like I put an investment in there. Reap the return. Act like this is something that’s going to pay dividends in the long term. And we’ve just lost that in higher education”
Plus, Brian and Jimmy discuss the new MLB rule changes. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!