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Chinese dating services — Bride stunned after groom's ex-lover crashes their wedding begging for him back

Chinese dating services — Bride stunned after groom's ex-lover crashes their wedding begging for him back

Desperate times call for desperate measures, such as gatecrashing your ex lover's wedding while wearing an elaborate bridal gown.

A video has gone viral of a stunned bride watching her groom's ex-lover grab her man, drop to her knees and yell, 'It's my fault.'

The emotional ex constantly tugs the groom's suit jacket while begging him for forgiveness.

But the groom isn't impressed. He keeps pulling away.

A woman in China gatecrashed her ex-lover's wedding wearing a bridal gown and all. Picture: Sina NewsSource:Supplied

The groom's stunned (real) bride looks on as he tries to console her. Picture: Sina NewsSource:Supplied

The wedding crasher then sits on the floor with her hands in her face.

The new bride and groom were about to kiss on stage when the debacle unfolded.

The ex was adamant she would win her man back as she tried again to grab his black jacket, screaming.

During this point he consoled his bride as the embarrassing event unfolded.

But the hysterical ex wasn't done. She began tugging at her ex again before sprawling on the floor. Picture: Sina NewsSource:Supplied

But the woman's hysterical behaviour prompted the real bride to storm off the stage in anger.

The groom went after his wife, leaving his ex crying.

At one point during the cringe-worthy proceedings, the MC tried to salvage the wedding by quoting a famous proverb: 'If you ask life what love is, it is to devote your life to someone else.'

The ceremony reportedly took place in China.

It caused the bride to storm off. Picture: Sina NewsSource:Supplied

The groom followed his bride out, leaving his ex absolutely shattered as she sat on the floor in tears. Picture: Sina NewsSource:Supplied

The footage was first shared online by an entertainment blogger and has since been widely shared by Chinese media.

According to Star Video, affiliated to Hunan Legal Channel, the groom split from his ex-girlfriend because they had different personalities.

The bride and her family were reportedly aghast at the love rival's appearance.

The ‘fake' bride allegedly stormed into the ceremony before causing the cringe-worthy scene. Picture: Sina NewsSource:Supplied

Web users on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter, have expressed their support for the bride and condemned the 'unreasonable' ex-girlfriend, The Daily Mail reported.

'Do not destroy other's relationship to satisfy your own obsession,' one person commented.

'This is exactly why you can't be friends with an ex,' another user said, while a third wrote: 'This is more than inappropriate. From the stand point of the bride, how could the wedding carry on?'

Sophia (as she chooses to be identified), a resident of Pakistan's Faisalabad was 19-years-old when a Chinese man came to ask her hand in marriage promising a life of comfort and money to her parents. A month into the alliance, Sophia struggled to return to her country scarred by the abuse and web of pretense spun by her suitor, reports BBC.

Unfortunately, in Pakistan, there are many like her who have vowed to never look back on their past having returned home from China, but not all the brides many of them minor have been lucky to escape.

A Chinese 'market for wives'

Sophia is one of among several poor Christian girls trafficked to China to cater to a 'bride market' that has grown swiftly over the years. Hundreds of brokers are engaged in the process of finalising marriage deals between Chineses men looking for foreign wives, as they promise to bear all expenses and even pay the parents of the woman handsomely, in some cases. They are helped by Christian clerics who are paid to target impoverished families in their congregation with promises of wealth in exchange for daughters.

Parents are told that their new sons-in-law are wealthy Christian converts, who show all signs of religious cooperation in their initial meetings before the match is finalised. However, once in China, the women find themselves isolated in remote rural regions, vulnerable to abuse, and unable to communicate due to the language barrier.

Given the wretched state of minorities in Pakistan which is yet to come out of the shadows of maximal blasphemy laws the families of such women often find themselves bereft of social security and thus, struggle for justice. Human rights activists in Pakistan believe it is the greed of the parents which leads to young girls being forced to marry against their will in return for the money offered by prospective Chinese men.

Muqadas Ashraf, one of the trafficked brides, spoke to The Associated Press in Gujranwala, Pakistan. AP

Meanwhile, Ijaz Alam Augustine, the Human Rights and Minorities Minister in Pakistan's Punjab province accused the Chinese government and its embassy in Pakistan of turning a blind eye to the practice by unquestioningly issuing visas and documents, a claim China has so far vehemently denied citing «zero tolerance for illegal transnational marriage agencies», as reported by The Associated Press.

Recently, Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency arrested eight Chinese nationals and four Pakistanis in multiple raids in the Punjab province in connection with trafficking, Geo TV reported. As per the report, the Chinese embassy said that China was cooperating with Pakistan in its effort to crack down on unlawful matchmaking centers. Even though, reports by The New York Times and the BBC show that such centres continue to thrive and that repeated claims by both the nations on curbing the menace were far removed from the ground reality.

Trafficked from Pakistan, abused in China

In recent weeks, Pakistan has been rocked by charges that at least 150 women were brought to China as brides under false pretenses and subjected to various forms of abuse including sexual harassment and physical violence. A few victims of this practice told The prettiest chinese girl New York Times that they were forced into prostitution, or made to work in bars and clubs.

Human Rights Watch in its note issued in April said that the trafficking allegations were 'disturbingly similar' to past patterns in which women from other penurious Asian countries North Korea, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam were brought to China as brides and subjected to abuse.

Christian, Muslim women targeted

And this is not just the case of marginalised Christian women in Pakistan, even Muslim women from poor families are being trapped in this trade which amounts to serious charges under human trafficking laws which are being blatantly violated to allow such cartels and cross-nation syndicates to operate.

A Muslim woman from a poor Lahore neighbourhood who went to China with her husband revealed that she had to put up with repeated physical abuse because she refused to sleep with the «drunk visitors» her husband brought over. Her husband, she later found out had faked his religion and was not a practicing Muslim as claimed by him during his stay in Pakistan, the report states.

While in China, the women have to resort to the help of the Pakistani embassy for their rescue and return to the home country. Many of them are now fighting a legal battle for divorce.

Emboldened economic ties between China and Pakistan serve as catalyst to this trade

This network has been strengthened by the growing relationship between Pakistan and China and the ever-increasing economic investment being done by the dragon nation in its western neighbour through the ambitious China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and latest via the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of the Chinse government. Moreover, with Pakistan allowing visa-on-arrival to Chinese nationals, their population in the Islamic nation has increased ever since with many coming to the country as labourers.

No bride for China's 'only male child'

But what is actually pushing the Chinese men to seek partners in foreign lands?

Experts argue it is China's legacy of the three-decade-old 'one-child policy' that has skewed the country's gender balance toward males. Hoards of families opted for termination of pregnancies (forced abortions) or female infanticides in their desire to have a male child before the country reversed the rule to allow couples to have two children.

'There are no girls here,' one of the groom's mother told The New York Times when asked why so many local men had gone to Pakistan to find wives. 'We weren't allowed to have more children, so everyone wanted boys," she said. And boys they had. So many that now there aren't enough girls in the country for them to marry.

China has one of the most heavily skewed gender ratios in the world, with 106.3 men for every 100 women as of 2017, according to the World Bank. in 2003, there were reports that in the Guangxi province, parents trying for sons sold their baby girls on the black market, and 80 percent of the trafficked babies in China were girls.

Three years after finding the love of her life, Michelle Gregory was over the moon when her boyfriend Michael asked her to marry him.

Gregory jumped online, found a company called TB Dress, searched its wedding gown catalog and, 'I said yeah, this has got to be the dress.'

It was perfect. She sent off her check for 300 dollars. When the dress arrived in a bag, she pulled it out, and there was a big problem.

'It's way too big,' says Gregory, 'I'm a size nine. They send me a size 16.' Not only was the dress huge, it was falling apart.

She added, 'It's poorly made. Some of the stuff is coming off.' Take a look at this dress next to the one she picked out from the online catalog. 'This dress is not even close to the one online. Not even close,' she says.

Gregory called the company its headquarters is in China. The man who answered gave her a response she didn't expect.

'He said the best thing they could do was give me ten dollars and a ten dollar coupon.' There is a seven day return policy.

She called them about two days after she received the dress, and she says they told her the seven days had expired.

Her heart sank. The money she had to buy a dress came from her dying mother, who told her, «I won't be at your wedding but your dress will help you remember me that day.»

'I feel like I wasted money I can't get back,' Gregory told 7 On Your Side. "It's bad enough you won't have your mother for the wedding, and now I lose my money. 7 On Your Side Call For Action executive director Shirley Rooker says beware when picking out a dress from an online company, 'you don't who you're dealing with and you don't know where they are located . And if they are outside the United States, they aren't subject to US laws and there's not a whole lot you can do.'

Gregory now has to find a new dress, and have it fitted in time for her wedding. 7 On Your Side has been communicating with TB Dress. The company contends Gregory did not return the dress with the seven days, and is not eligible for a refund according to its policy.

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