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Новости от TheMoneytizer

After Brussels, We Cannot Live in Fear

BRUSSELS -- The day after the Brussels attacks, the government increased security here by putting more police at stations, nuclear plants, schools and public transportation spots. The airport was very damaged and remains closed. Airplanes were diverted to other airports or canceled. And people gathered to honor the victims and the families at Place de La Bourse.

In November in the wake of the Paris attacks, the government raised the terror threat alert to the maximum level of four in the city. For one day, there was not a cat outside. Only military. I think the government knew something was going to happen but it was not able to know when and where. One element that could have caused these events is the arrest of the most wanted man in Europe, a man who is believed to be involved in the attacks in Paris and who is still alive -- Salah Abdeslam. He was arrested days before Brussels was hit.

Many wonder if this type of attack will happen again. I think it will.

Today, just over a week after the horrific attacks on this city, people are still saddened by what happened. Many, according to witnesses, are worried about the future of the country and terrorist networks that exist in Brussels. Many wonder if this type of attack will happen again. I think it will. As long as the terror networks continue to exist, we will continue to be worried about the future of Europe and bombings in other cities.

With the attacks in the heart of Europe, security measures are higher in neighboring countries like the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and particularly France, which recently announced it arrested people for a terror plot.

I think that Europe and the United States are involved in several conflicts and must examine what is causing all the unrest in the world.

On the news, they say what they want us to hear after many tragedies. We must remain vigilant. We will learn more when more information is available. It is important to understand why such events happen in Europe. Understand the history of countries, religions, extremists, etc. If we do that, everyone can draw his or her own conclusions from what has happened to us. I think that Europe and the United States are involved in several conflicts and must examine what is causing all the unrest in the world. They must ask themselves: what or who is behind it?

As I reflect on the incident some days later, I feel anger because it has affected innocent people who only wanted to live. And I feel sadness and empathy for the victims' families. The terrorists who did this are selfish and, in my opinion, didn't find their true meaning in life. They are certainly not born to blow themselves up. They are cowards.

For the survivors, the anxiety is there, because you never know if it'll happen again.

For the survivors, the anxiety is there, because you never know if it'll happen again. This can happen anytime, anywhere. But with time, this anxiety will decrease. Despite these events affecting innocent victims, we must continue to live, do and think about the things that bring us joy in our lives and not live in fear, because fear serves no purpose.

The most important thing now for us in Brussels -- and the world as a whole -- is to stay positive, do good, pray for good vibes on Earth and defend good causes.

Earlier on WorldPost:

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