The bigeye thresher shark looks like it was invented by hellish forces. It has plate-sized eyes and an ugly hump on its back.
So when Czech tourist Martin Stehlik with his uncle George Plesky encountered the shark on a Whangarei, New Zeland beach, they were a little taken aback and had no idea just what to do.
“It was just so strange and we’d never seen anything like it before, with its long tail and it’s big black eyes. It was very unusual. Martin thought it might be a shark that isn’t seen here often,” Plesky said.
Clinton Duffy, a shark expert who works for New Zealand’s Department of Conservation, told that Plesky and Stehlik had encountered a “quite common” breed of shark, but one that is “rarely seen due to their offshore habits.”
Fortunately for beachgoers, these sharks don’t spend time eating a human. According to Duffy, the thresher is perfectly content to “feed on small schooling fishes and squid.”
Source: Viralthread
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