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10 things you should never say on a first date, No 5 will shock you

It’s normal for one’s anxiety level to rise when planning to go on a first date. People often times,  go into a frenzy when it comes to picking the perfect cloth to wear for a first date. Naturally, you want to look your best and give the perfect impression; anxiety in most cases makes people outdo these things.

While the reasons for wanting to date in the first place is subjected to personal opinions and needs which could vary from one person to the other, people still go on dates because they are optimistic and want to see if the new person they are seeing meets their specifications.

However, the date could end up badly if care is not taken. Saying the following may spoil the moment and prevent you from proceeding from there.

1. My ex said…

Uttering sentences like this could make your date feel you are still hurt and possibly depressed about your last relationship. You might not have meant sounding that way but when your tenses have lots of things to do with your ex, it’s a red flag. And if you can’t stop talking about the people you have dated in the past, it could also create the wrong impression to your date especially if he or she is a moralist.

2. My friends saw your picture, they think you are cute

You may be sure of your reasons for going on a date but never assume you know that of your date.  A statement like this could come out wrongly; it could make your date feel uncomfortable.

They may start to think they would get trapped in a relationship with you and you could become clingy after a while. Not everyone likes having friends involved in their lives. You may have to wait a bit to know if they would appreciate you sharing their details with friends.

3. Can I show you some of my works?

You could be talented, resourceful and enterprising. Telling someone this on a first date may turn them off and give them the wrong impression. While you may be outspoken and smart, you should not strike your date as someone who is boisterous. Sharing your achievement may be intimidating and may not give them the chance to bond with you.

4. I should be hooking out with someone else tomorrow

Are you on a dating spree? How serious would that particular date take you? The date would end up feeling you are probably fooling around and would not want to invest his or her emotions in you.


5. How much are you being paid?

Except you plan on robbing him or her after the date, this is totally irrelevant. Many people become sensitive when asked how much they make. This is something they may not even be willing to disclose to their friends, why should they tell you? It gives them the impression you are money conscious or too materialistic. You don’t want to get judged too soon so avoid asking.

6. I prefer dating older people, I’m surprised we clicked

Don’t be too sure you have connected; how do you want your statement to make him or her feel? Secured? You are either seen as  a ‘sugar baby’ or a man that service cougars.

7. Can we talk politics?

Don’t be so forward; your topic of interest may not necessarily thrill your date. Be cautious when you are trying to suggest a topic. Religion and politics get so many people agitated; this could cause you to experience a part of them that could be easily faulted.


8. Are you usually dressed this way?

While your question might have been harmless, you make the other person feel awful. Your date starts to wonder if he or she is inappropriately dressed. Try to be as polite as possible; even if you don’t date, you may become friends.

9. Can I kiss you?

Now that may not be a nice thing to say or ask when you are on a first date. Avoid coming on to your date like you are all about sex. The date was probably set so you could observe each other. Don’t be touchy or do anything that would make your partner feel uncomfortable.

10. I’m bored

While you may not be having a great time; it would be rude for you to say things that could make your date feel offended. Saying that is an indirect way of telling your date you are not having a good time and you would like to leave.

The post 10 things you should never say on a first date, No 5 will shock you appeared first on Nigeria News today & Breaking news | Read on NAIJ.COM.

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