Reince Preibus was called in to give the four GOP candidates a stern talking to before the GOP debate tonight. Instead of just tweeting out a 140 character tweet praising the amazing candidates from his party, he schlepped down to Miami to be there in person.
He did a little intro schpiel before the debate started. Here is the transcript:
"We are the party of equality, party of freedom, party of opportunity. I want to get something clear because there has been a lot of talk about this."
Oooh, what are we all talking about? Trump's tiny hands? Little Marco? Lying Ted? Why Kasich hasn't dropped out yet?
"This party is going to support the nominee, whoever that is, 100%. There is no question about that."
Oh, so now we are all going to agree to support the nominee *cough cough* Trump. Joy. Go on...
"And I want is to explain that what's happening here is that these candidates are competing to see who is going to be the nominee that joins the Republican National Committee, the conservatives, the Tea Party, the entire wonderful group of people, that are going to come together, and unify in Cleveland and get behind the nominee. That is what we do as Republicans."
I think it is more like three candidates are competing for second place, but ok. We will go along with what you are saying.
"Can you agree with me, without question, that any of these four gentleman would be better than Hillary Clinton or Socialist Bernie Sanders? We have something to fight for. we are in a battle for freedom in this country."