WARNING: This post contains discussions of disordered eating.
Jody Steel is a visual multimedia artist who often uses her body as her canvas. This week, she posted a new video titled "Body Image," showing her stomach painted in an optical illusion to shrink her waist. It's been viewed more than 67 million times.
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The video is simple, showing the artist's process of transforming her body through paint, prompting the viewer to consider the pressure from society to transform bodies through perhaps unhealthy measures.
Facebook: artistjodysteel
In a comment on the video, Steel says, "There have been times I've look[ed] in a mirror and wished for a perfect figure. No matter how much I went to the gym or how little I ate carbs and sugar, I still didn't see what I imagined was perfect."
Facebook: artistjodysteel
"Once I realized that naturally, I don't have a coke bottle figure, or long and thin legs, I began to let go of the pressures I've felt to fulfill an image that our society has deemed the pinnacle of beauty. I like to adventure and I love to try new foods—especially if they're spicy. So let go of your demons and learn to enjoy the things you love in life. You can be healthy and happy. I've had this idea for a long time and I'm glad I finally did it!"
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