I am writing in response to Arnold Steinberg's February 4 commentary, "Politically Incorrect Reflections on Obama at the Mosque."
That posting is not only full of crude anti-Muslim bigotry. It is also full of false statements. Nearly every paragraph makes an allegation that is wrong on the facts -- some wildly exaggerated, some completely untrue, none supported by any plausible evidence, all reflecting virulent prejudice and inflammatory stereotyping. E.g. the assertion that significant numbers of Muslim immigrants want to make the United States a "theocracy" where they will "impose their religion on everyone else." Or that present immigration policy is deliberately designed with the intention of "importing Muslims with no commitment to America or no goal of assimilation" and that its supporters, including President Obama, "want to transform... America into a Muslim-tolerant and then Muslim-dominated nation." Or the repeated sweeping generalizations to the effect that Christians and Jews are peaceful and good citizens, while Muslims are violent and dangerous