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United Press International (UPI.com) 

Tree falls on California wedding party, killing one

Allen Cone
WHITTIER, Calif., Dec. 18 (UPI) -- A 100-foot tall, eucalyptus tree fell on a wedding party at a Southern California park in Whitter, killing one person and injuring five others.


Clinton campaign: It's an 'open question' if Trump team colluded with Russia

Thomson Reuters

A top aide to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign said on Sunday it was an "open question" whether President-elect Donald Trump's advisers colluded with Russia to hack into Democratic Party emails to try to sway the Nov. 8 election.

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said there was evidence that Trump associates had contact with a Russian intelligence official and the website Wikileaks before U.S. intelligence agencies accused Russia of being behind computer attacks of Democratic emails... Читать дальше...


Blast kills at least 52 outside Yemen military camp

A suicide bomber blew himself up outside a military camp in the southern Yemeni city of Aden on Sunday morning, killing at least 52 soldiers, a security official said. The Islamic State group's Yemen-based affiliate claimed responsibility. Abdel-Rahman al-Naqeeb gave told The Associated Press that 63 people were also injured in the blast. Security officials said that preliminary...


Wild wint vier keer op NK Baan

APELDOORN - Kirsten Wild uit Almelo heeft op het NK op de Baan ook de puntenkoers gewonnen en zegevierde daarmee op alle vier de onderdelen waarop ze deelnam. Op vrijdag won Wild met Nina Kessler de koppelkoers, terwijl ze op zaterdag de titels veroverde op de achtervolging en de scratch. Het zilver ging naar de uittredende Vera Koedooder, brons was voor Judith Bloem.


Reince Priebus: Trump not suggesting 'revisiting "one China" policy right now'

Thomson Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump's incoming White House chief of staff on Sunday played down the prospect that Trump would revisit Washington's decades-old "one China" policy, even though he suggested as much a week ago.

Since 1979, the United States has acknowledged Taiwan as part of "one China" but Trump prompted a diplomatic protest from Beijing after he accepted a congratulatory phone call on his election win from President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan on Dec. Читать дальше...


'The least certain in years:' What 9 Wall Street pros forecast for the stock market in 2017

Mark Kolbe/Getty

After the worst start to a year ever, the stock market surged to new highs in 2016. 

All the major indexes rebounded to records and defied the doomsday forecasts that preceded events like Brexit and President-elect Donald Trump's election.

For next year, no strategist at a top Wall Street firm forecasts that the bull market will end. Many expect America's largest companies to return to earnings growth, and to see other benefits from Trump's promises to cut taxes and ease regulations. Читать дальше...

Sputnik International 

Russia Deputy Prime Minister Mutko Not Under FIFA Doping Probe

The FIFA Ethics Committee is not conducting an official investigation in relation to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko over the recent World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) report accusing Russia of running a state-wide doping program, the committee's press service said Sunday.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

62-year-old man dumps cancer patient second wife

A 62-year-old land broker was booked in Rander police station on Saturday for allegedly dumping a 40-year-old woman on coming to know that she is suffering from breast cancer. Already having a wife and son the accused started married life with the woman in 2008 after finding her through newspaper advertisement.

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

Shorthander shatters overtime

Overtime should have been a productive power play for the Tomah High School boys hockey team.


I read 15 books this year on happiness, productivity, and success — here are the most meaningful insights I've taken away

Peter Macdiarmid / Staff / Getty Images

The good thing about getting to read a lot of books for work is that I'm constantly challenged to rethink my conceptions of happiness, productivity, and success.

The bad thing is that one time a stack of said books collapsed on my desk neighbor.

Without a doubt, the books that moved me most this year focused on psychology and behavioral science — and as 2016 draws to a close, I'm reflecting on everything I learned.

Below, I've... Читать дальше...


Castro: GOP shouldn't denying Russian hack

Representative Joaquin Castro defense President Obama's decision not to go public with the Russian scandal during the election and explains how according to him the Republican party is trying to deny that the hacking happened.

Zee News (zeenews.india.com) 

When Uber CEO Travis Kalanick landed in India without a visa!

Uber co-founder and chief executive Travis Kalanick had to encounter a "scary situation" on his arrival in India as he found himself "without a visa" and it was only a high-level intervention that saved him from being deported.

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Член ОПМО Ермаков: более 67% жителей Подмосковья проголосовали через ДЭГ

Учения НАТО: внедрение опыта СВО

С чем столичные театры возвращаются после каникул?

Ломает пальмы, сносит крыши и людей: тайфун Яги обрушился на азиатский регион

Музыкальные новости

Делегация ГУАП посетила научно-технологический центр и заводы ПАО «КАМАЗ»

День города — от Хазанова до Минаевой

Выставка «Я ты мы другое» в музее-квартире И.Д. Сытина

Сотрудники Росгвардии задержали нетрезвого водителя в подмосковных Люберцах

Новости России

День города 7 и 8 сентября — Москва отмечает 877-летие: какие подарки ждут горожан

Путин торжественно открыл первый участок новой линии метро в Москве

Президент Ирана???????? посетит саммит БРИКС в Казани: Масуд Пезешкиан встретится с российским???????? лидером Владимиром Путиным

«Сияй ярче, Золотая»: Саграда и «Аффинаж» подарили песню Москве и москвичам

Экология в России и мире

Российские туристы массово устремились в эти города в сентябре: спрос на некоторые подскочил в 7 раз

Выставка «Я ты мы другое» в музее-квартире И.Д. Сытина

Коллекция Marella «Le Muse» осень-зима 2024-2025

Гастроэнтеролог Садыков объяснил, для чего нужна бесшлаковая диета

Спорт в России и мире

Роналду первым в мире забил 900-й гол, Соболенко вышла в финал US Open. Главное к утру

Стали известны все полуфиналисты Открытого чемпионата США у мужчин

Российская теннисистка Шнайдер заявила, что больше не живет в США

Front Office Sport: слияние ATP и WTA может быть завершено в первой половине 2025 года


Терминал сбора данных (ТСД) промышленного класса SAOTRON RT42G

Крымский лес.

Портативный ТСД корпоративного класса Saotron RT-T70

Заместитель управляющего ОСФР по г. Москве и Московской области Алексей Путин об индексации работающим пенсионерам

Топ новостей на этот час


Путин и Собянин открыли новые корпуса Бауманки

Кабаре-бэнд «Елисейские поля» выступил на фуд-корте ТРЦ «Нора»

Глава ЦИК Памфилова высказалась об идее разрешить голосовать в 16 лет

Все комфортно и правильно: Медведева поделилась подробностями жизни в отношениях