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Fog and ice: Weather forecast for Kazakhstan on December 3

Tengrinews.kz - Kazhydromet has shared the weather forecast for Kazakhstan on Tuesday, December 3.

Astana will experience partly cloudy skies with occasional light snow. Fog is expected. Winds from the southwest at 3-8 m/s. Temperatures will range from -8 to -10°C at night and -2 to -4°C during the day.

Almaty will also have partly cloudy skies and no precipitation. Fog is expected at night and in the morning. Winds will be calm at 0-5 m/s. Temperatures will range from -1 to -3°C at night and +3 to +5°C during the day.

Shymkent will see partly cloudy conditions without precipitation. Fog at night and in the morning. Northeastern winds at 8-13 m/s. Temperatures will range from -1 to -3°C at night and +6 to +8°C during the day.

In Akmola Region, light snow is expected. Fog in the west, south, and east of the region. Winds from the southwest at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will be -6 to -11°C at night and -1 to -6°C during the day. In Kokshetau, partly cloudy skies with occasional light snow are forecasted. Southwest winds at 7-12 m/s. Temperatures will range from -7 to -9°C at night and -2 to -4°C during the day.

In Almaty Region, light precipitation (mostly snow) is expected in the northern parts at night. Fog in the north, south, and mountainous areas. Winds from the west at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from 0 to -5°C at night (dropping to -9 to -14°C in mountainous areas) and 0 to +5°C during the day (-5°C in mountainous areas). In Konaev, partly cloudy skies without precipitation. Fog at night and in the morning. Winds from the west at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from -1 to -3°C at night and +3 to +5°C during the day.

In the Zhetysu Region, snow, fog, and icy conditions are expected in the northern, eastern, and mountainous areas. Northeastern winds will blow at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from -2 to -7°C at night (-11 to -16°C in mountainous areas) and 0 to +5°C during the day (0 to -5°C in mountainous areas). In Taldykorgan, partly cloudy skies are forecasted with no precipitation. Northeastern winds at 3-8 m/s. Temperatures will range from -5 to -7°C at night and +3 to +5°C during the day.

In the Turkestan Region, light precipitation (rain or snow) is expected at night and in the morning in northern and mountainous areas. Fog is expected in the south, north, west, and mountainous/piedmont areas. Northeastern winds will blow at 8-13 m/s. Temperatures will range from -3 to +2°C at night (-7°C in northern and mountainous areas) and +4 to +9°C during the day (0°C in northern and mountainous areas). In Turkestan, partly cloudy skies with no precipitation are expected. Fog at night and in the morning. Northeastern winds at 8-13 m/s. Temperatures will range from -1 to -3°C at night and +5 to +7°C during the day.

In the West Kazakhstan Region, no precipitation is forecasted. Fog is expected at night and in the morning in the west and north of the region. Southeastern winds at 7-12 m/s. Temperatures will range from -0 to -5°C at night and -1 to +4°C during the day. In Uralsk, partly cloudy skies without precipitation are expected. Fog at night and in the morning. Southeastern winds at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will range from -2 to -4°C at night and 0 to +2°C during the day.

In the Atyrau Region, light snow is forecasted at night in the west. Fog is expected at night and in the morning in the eastern part of the region. Southeastern winds at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will range from -1 to -6°C at night and -1 to +4°C during the day. In Atyrau, cloudy skies with no precipitation are expected. Southeastern winds at 1-6 m/s. Temperatures will range from -3 to -5°C at night to around 0°C during the day.

In the Mangystau Region, no precipitation is expected. Fog is likely at night and in the morning in the northern areas. Eastern winds will blow at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from -3 to -8°C at night and -2 to +3°C during the day. In Aktau, partly cloudy skies with no precipitation are forecasted. Eastern winds at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from -3 to -5°C at night and +1 to +3°C during the day.

In the Aktobe Region, light snow is expected in the north. Winds will shift from southwesterly to southeasterly at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will range from -3 to -8°C at night (down to -10°C in southern and eastern areas) and -5 to 0°C during the day (+3°C in the southern areas). In Aktobe, cloudy skies with no precipitation are expected. Southwesterly winds at 1-6 m/s. Temperatures will range from -3 to -5°C at night and 0 to -2°C during the day.

In the Kostanay Region, light snow is expected in the west and north. Fog will form in the south and east. Southwesterly winds at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from -3 to -8°C at night (down to -11°C in eastern areas) and -5 to 0°C during the day. In Kostanay, partly cloudy skies with no precipitation are forecasted. Southwesterly winds at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will range from -6 to -8°C at night and -1 to -3°C during the day.

In the North Kazakhstan Region, no precipitation is expected. Fog is likely at night and in the morning in the western and southern areas. Southwesterly winds at 9-14 m/s, with gusts of 15-20 m/s during the day in the west and south. Temperatures will range from -5 to -10°C at night and -1 to -6°C during the day. In Petropavlovsk, partly cloudy skies with no precipitation are forecasted. Southwesterly winds at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from -6 to -8°C at night and -2 to -4°C during the day.

In the Pavlodar Region, no precipitation is expected. Southwesterly winds at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will range from -9 to -14°C at night and -3 to -8°C during the day. In Pavlodar, partly cloudy skies with no precipitation are expected. Southwesterly winds at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will range from -12 to -14°C at night and -5 to -7°C during the day.

In the Karaganda Region, light snow is expected in the north, south, and east. Fog may form at night and in the morning in these areas. Southwesterly winds will blow at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will range from -5 to -10°C at night (dropping to -13°C in the north and -1°C in the south) and -4 to -9°C during the day (up to +1°C in the south). In Karaganda, partly cloudy skies are expected with light snow at night. Fog is likely at night and in the morning. Southwesterly winds at 1-6 m/s. Temperatures will range from -8 to -10°C at night and -4 to -6°C during the day.

In the Ulytau Region, no precipitation is expected. Fog may form at night and in the morning in the north and central areas. Easterly winds at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will range from -2 to -7°C at night (down to -11°C in the east) and 0 to -5°C during the day (down to -8°C in the north). In Zhezkazgan, partly cloudy skies with no precipitation are forecasted. Fog may form at night and in the morning. Easterly winds at 2-7 m/s. Temperatures will range from -4 to -6°C at night and -2 to -4°C during the day.

In the East Kazakhstan Region, no precipitation is expected in the west, north, and east, though some areas may experience snow, fog, and icy conditions. Northwesterly winds at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from -5 to -10°C at night (up to -2°C in the south) and 0 to -5°C during the day. In Ust-Kamenogorsk, cloudy skies with snow are expected. Northwesterly winds at 2-7 m/s. Temperatures will range from -5 to -7°C at night and 0 to -2°C during the day.

In the Abai Region, precipitation (mainly snow), fog, and icy conditions are forecasted in the west, east, and south. Southwesterly winds at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from -5 to -10°C at night (dropping to -15°C in the north and -2°C in the south) and 0 to -5°C during the day (up to +3°C in the south). In Semey, cloudy skies with no precipitation are expected. Southwesterly winds at 2-7 m/s. Temperatures will range from -8 to -10°C at night and -2 to -4°C during the day.

In the Kyzylorda Region, no precipitation is expected. Fog is likely in the northern and central parts. Winds will blow from the north and northeast at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will range from -3 to -8°C at night (around 0°C in the south) and -2°C to +3°C during the day (up to +6°C in the south). In Kyzylorda, partly cloudy skies with no precipitation are forecasted, with occasional fog. North-northeasterly winds at 5-10 m/s. Temperatures will range from -3 to -5°C at night and 0 to +2°C during the day.

In the Zhambyl Region, precipitation (rain and snow) is expected in the northern and mountainous areas, with icy conditions possible. Fog may form in the southern, eastern, and mountainous regions. Northeasterly winds will blow at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from -4°C to +1°C at night (down to -7°C in mountainous areas) and +2°C to +7°C during the day (around -1°C in the mountains). In Taraz, partly cloudy skies with no precipitation are forecasted, with occasional fog. Northeasterly winds at 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will range from -1°C to -3°C at night and +3°C to +5°C during the day.

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