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What happened behind the scenes of the Tokayev-Putin meeting

Tengrinews.kz - On November 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Kazakhstan for a state visit. A photo report by Tengrinews.kz captured the events of his visit.
The Russian leader's plane landed at Astana International Airport in the afternoon. At the airfield, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev warmly welcomed his counterpart.
To mark Vladimir Putin’s visit, an honor guard was assembled at the airport.
Photo by Akorda press service
Meanwhile, six aircraft painted the sky over Astana in the colors of the Russian tricolor. Putin’s plane was also escorted by Kazakh fighter jets.
Photo by Akorda press service
A state visit is the highest-ranking type of visit in protocol, featuring a vibrant and elaborate ceremonial program with numerous details. Notably, Vladimir Putin's last state visit to Kazakhstan was nine years ago, in 2015.
Photo by Akorda press service
As a gesture of friendship between the peoples of Kazakhstan and Russia, children holding the flags of both nations welcomed Vladimir Putin and the members of the official delegation and recited poems. The presidents took a commemorative photo with them.
Professional artist Assel Sabyrzhankyzy presented her painting to the heads of state, which she began working on as soon as Vladimir Putin departed for Astana.
Photo by Akorda press service
The leaders of the two countries also contributed to the artwork, adding their own colors. The painting will be presented to the Russian president at the conclusion of his visit.

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The ceremonial welcome for Putin continued at the Akorda residence.
©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
While members of the official delegations waited for the heads of state, they had the opportunity to engage in friendly conversations. Some of them had already met earlier in the Mazhilis, where the republican budget for 2025–2027 was discussed for the second time this month. Earlier, the bill was returned by Senate deputies.
Judging by the upward gaze of Minister of Industry Kanat Sharlapaev, relations between the two countries have reached a new level.
©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
In this photo, National Bank Chairman Timur Suleimenov greets Minister of Health Akmaral Alnazharova.
©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
Vladimir Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, is seen talking on the phone. Notably, he holds a burgundy iPhone that matches the color of his tie.
©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek appeared to be deep in thought. Today, he is set to sign a document on the opening of a KazNU branch in Omsk.
©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
A serviceman from the honor guard adjusted his cap. Once the ceremony begins and the command “Attention!” is given, he won’t have another chance to do so.

Meanwhile, journalists were setting up their equipment and pondering what to include in their reports. Around 30 representatives from major Russian media outlets arrived in Astana for the event.
©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Vladimir Putin introduced the members of their respective official delegations to each other. Following this, the honor guard commander delivered a welcoming report, and the national anthems of both countries were played.
©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
The heads of state then proceeded to the negotiation hall.
Photo by Akorda press service
The President of Kazakhstan thanked his Russian counterpart for the visit, emphasizing the importance of strengthening the strategic partnership. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted that 20 agreements are expected to be signed as a result of the visit, paving the way for new horizons in bilateral relations.
Vladimir Putin, in turn, expressed gratitude for the warm welcome on Kazakh soil and highlighted upcoming joint events. He emphasized that Russia greatly values the development of humanitarian ties in the fields of civil society, education, science, and culture.

"We view Kazakhstan as our reliable friend and closest ally," Putin said.

©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
After the signing and exchange of documents, the ministers posed with them for numerous photographers and videographers.
Minister Akmaral Alnazarova held an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in healthcare. The two countries will share experiences in applying innovative technologies and training specialists.
©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
The talks continued in an expanded format, with delegation members joining the discussions. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was seen glancing sideways at Russia's Minister of Transport Roman Starovoit, who seemed to be showing his colleagues the direction of space rockets to be launched from the new "Baiterek" space rocket complex.
©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
Here, the photograph captures the ceremonial moment of inaugurating a branch of Al-Farabi KazNU at Dostoevsky Omsk State University. The opening was initiated by the leaders of the two countries, with the rectors of KazNU, Zhanseit Tuymebayev, and Omsk State University, Sergey Zamyatin, also present.
At this moment, Sayasat Nurbek replaced his thoughtful demeanor with satisfied applause.
©️ Tengrinews.kz / Turar Kazangapov
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev praised the results of the talks.

"I note that our cooperation is developing along an upward trajectory and has gained irreversible momentum," the President stated.

Photo by Akorda press service
The President of Kazakhstan emphasized that much joint work lies ahead and that the two sides have significant plans for 2025. Tokayev called Putin's state visit a historic event marking an important milestone in the development of Kazakhstan-Russia relations.
At the end of his speech, the President of Kazakhstan expressed confidence that the positive outcomes of today’s events would elevate the allied relations between the two countries to a qualitatively new level.
Photo by Akorda press service
The following day, in Astana, another session of the Collective Security Council of the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) will be held under the chairmanship of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. The leaders of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan - Alexander Lukashenko, Sadyr Japarov, and Emomali Rahmon - have already arrived in Kazakhstan’s capital.

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