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Montoya and Villeneuve divided on Verstappen’s prospects

Max Verstappen, a four-time Formula 1 world champion at just 27 years old, finds himself at the center of contrasting opinions from two former drivers as they look ahead to the 2025 season and beyond.

On the one hand, seven-time Grand Prix winner Juan Pablo Montoya predicts a challenging road ahead for Verstappen due to Red Bull's recent struggles.

But on the other, Jacques Villeneuve is confident in the Dutchman's ability to equal Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton's co-record of seven world titles – provided the right circumstances align.

Montoya argues his case by pointing to Red Bull's mi-season slump that led to Verstappen enduring a 10-race winless streak.

“For Verstappen, it will be very difficult next season,” the Columbian told Marca.

“If Red Bull can't suddenly make a big step, it will be really difficult for him to become champion with the car he has at the moment. “They just don't have the speed they need.”

McLaren and Ferrari Will Lead the Charge

Montoya believes McLaren and Ferrari will emerge as the primary title contenders in 2025, with even Mercedes having a better shot than Red Bull.

“We have to wait and see what Red Bull comes up with first, but I would say the title fight next year will be between McLaren and Ferrari. I think Mercedes is even more likely than Red Bull,” he added.

Montoya, however, is quick to emphasize that Verstappen's talent is not in question, likening his situation to that of Lewis Hamilton during Mercedes' recent struggles.

“That doesn't mean that the other drivers are bad, because they are actually very good,” he said.

“But it's like saying to Lewis Hamilton that he doesn't know how to race anymore and therefore he can't take another title, when the problem was mainly in the fact that Mercedes doesn't run as fast as that Red Bull.

“It's not that Verstappen has forgotten how to drive. “He showed that in Brazil.”

Villeneuve: Verstappen Can Match Schumacher

While Montoya focuses on Red Bull's immediate struggles, 1997 world champion Jacques Villeneuve has a much longer-term view of Verstappen's career.

The Canadian believes Verstappen has the potential to match Michael Schumacher's record of seven world titles – if the right circumstances allow.

“Max Verstappen definitely has what it takes to match Schumacher's titles,” Villeneuve told Governor Sport.

“Max is still hungry and competitive and always goes for the win. He doesn't get brought down. “With the right situation, he will always be there to win a championship.”

Villeneuve acknowledged the role that luck and timing plays in a driver's career, referencing other greats like Fernando Alonso, who came close to winning more championships but fell short due to circumstances beyond his control.

“The same way that Alonso could have had seven championships. Look how often he got close to Ferrari,” Villeneuve explained.

“Take Schumacher, he could have had three instead of seven. But he could have had even more.

“Sometimes it's close, and there are a few drivers out there that don't have the amount of championships that they probably deserved with their talent.

“Max has won every championship that he could have won. “He hasn't missed one so far.”

A Season of Challenges

Both Montoya and Villeneuve acknowledge that the 2025 season will be pivotal for Verstappen.

With McLaren, Ferrari, and Mercedes all improving, and stable regulations making gains harder to come by, Verstappen will face increased competition from rivals like Lando Norris, Charles Leclerc, and Lewis Hamilton.

The larger question for Verstappen's future may lie beyond his driving skill. The Dutchman has been vocal about his frustrations with F1's evolving direction, raising doubts about how long he will remain in the sport.

Whether Verstappen can secure his fifth title in 2025 – or set his sights on matching Schumacher and Hamilton's seven – depends on how well Red Bull can address their current challenges and whether the Dutchman's appetite for racing remains undiminished.

For now, the debate over Verstappen's future serves as a reminder that even the brightest talents in Formula 1 are shaped as much by their cars and circumstances as by their skill behind the wheel.

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The post Montoya and Villeneuve divided on Verstappen’s prospects appeared first on F1i.com.

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